Welcome to the Austrian page of the ESCP

As a national representative, I would like to provide you with specific information on the coloproctologic world in Austria.

The Austrian working group of Coloproctology (ACP) is a non-profit association founded in 1993 and is associated to the Austrian Society of Surgery. Block membership with the ESCP is available. Yearly, there are more than six different specialized coloproctologic courses, guest visits and several hostings at the yearly Austrian Surgical Meeting as well as consensus papers (treatment of hemorrhoids, anal HPV, anal cancer) organized and done by the coloprotctologic working group.

A national ‘Training Certificate in Coloproctology’ (by the ACP) enables interested colleagues to undertake a structured and specialized training in coloproctology and enables qualification for national members to the EBSQ Coloproctology.

Annually, part of the Austrian coloprotologic surgeons meet at the annual ESCP meeting: just ask and meet at the 'traditional Austrian ESCP-evening' that takes part here!

There are several coloproctologic courses for coloproctologic colleagues in Austria arranged by the ACP yearly. They are focusing on: anatomy, examination, operation techniques, dermatology & STD, pelvic floor diseases and endosonography. The training certification dures a minimum of 3 years and covers several theoretical and practical sessions, an operation catalogue, attendance of meetings and job shadowing in coloproctologic centers, it ends up with an official certification by the ACP.

Under the ACP’s patronage, the biennially, international Innsbruck Coloproctologic Wintermeeting (ICW) takes place in Tyrol (Igls, Innsbruck) since 2001 and the next is already announced for January 11-13 2024 in Igls/Tyrol. There is another patronage at the annual meeting of the Austrian Society of Surgical Oncology every October. The international congress of the European Federation for Colorectal Cancer (EFR) takes place every two years in Vienna.

Don't forget to register for the 1st Austrian ESCP Masterclass in June 2024 https://www.escp.eu.com/conference-and-events/upcoming-escp-educational-events/salzburg-masterclass

please find updated information on national coloproctologic studies, meetings and courses here:

www.coloproctology-austria.at (German) and

https://www.coloproctology-austria.at (English)


Population: 8,933,000

ESCP Members: 48

Society: Austrian Society of Surgery: Austrian working group for Coloproctology (ACP)

ESCP Representative Name: Gerd Silberhumer

National Examination: General Surgery (w/o optional specialisation in Coloproctology), Training Certificate in Coloproctology (ACP)

 Journal(s): European Surgery, Coloproctology, International Journal of Colorectal Disease, Colorectal Disease


Current Research:


Several other studies are organized by the ABCSG - Austrian Breast and Colorectal Cancer Study Group (http://www.abcsg.at). A forthcoming study will be “Endurance training in patients after colorectal cancer to prevent recurrence”.

LARS Austria - online-registry: observational prospective study on LARS following rectal resection w/o neoadjuvant chemoradiation (PI Jaroslav Presl, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

CLASSICA - Validating AI in classifying cancer in real-time surgery. https://classicaproject.eu/project/ (PI Austria Felix Aigner, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ORSY trial - Investigation of the benefit of using an autologous platelet-rich fibrin matrix (Obsidian ASG®) for treatment of anastomosis during rectal surgery – a single-blind, randomized, multicenter pilot study (PI Austria Andreas  Shamiyeh, Linz, Austria)