Time | Event |
07:45 - 09:15
Plenary Hall A
New Trials Forum
Chair: Dion Morton (UK)
Expert Panel: Charles Knowles (UK), Christianne Buskens (The Netherlands), Nikolaos Gouvas (Greece), Richard Hooper (UK)
New Trials Presentations: Four proposals reviewed by the Expert Panel
08:00 - 09:30
Parallel Hall N
Educational: Trainee Video Session 1
Chairs: Imran Aslam (UK), Marek Zawadzki (Poland)
08:00 - 09:30
Parallel Hall M
Free Papers: Neoplasia
Chairs: Irmgard Kronberger (Austria), Ben Griffiths (UK)
- F19 - A randomized clinical trial comparing the initial vascular approach to the inferior mesenteric vein versus the inferior mesenteric artery in laparoscopic surgery of rectal cancer and sigmoid colon cancer - Pere Planellas (Spain)
- F20 - Hospital variation in rectal cancer treatment in the Netherlands: results from a nationwide population-based registry - Tijmen Koëter (The Netherlands)
- F21 - Analysis of a Novel Staging System for Colon Cancer Based on Tumor Depth, Discontinuous Tumor Deposits and Extramural Venous Invasion on CT - Nigel D'Souza (UK)
- F22 - Vascular invasion might be a strong predictive factor rather than lymph node metastasis for early recurrence in colon cancer patients - JungHoon Bae (Republic of Korea)
- F23 - Prognostic value of tumor deposit in rectal cancer: A monocentric series of 505 patients -Jérémie Lefevre (France)
- F24 - Time to colonoscopy, cancer probability and precursor lesions in the Danish Colorectal Cancer Screening Program - Lasse Kaalby (Denmark)
- F25 - Great variations of interval cancer rate (ICR) in colorectal cancer screening subgroups - Rasmus Krøijer (Denmark)
- F26 - Identifying factors that might confound trials evaluating cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) for colorectal peritoneal metastases: a UK two-centre pre-trial IDEAL framework scoping collaborative - Lee Malcomson (UK)
- F27 - Predictive Factors and Risk Model for Positive Circumferential Resection Margin Rate After Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision in 2653 patients with Rectal Cancer - Sapho X Roodbeen (The Netherlands)
08:00 - 09:30
Small Hall
Free Papers: Patient Reported Outcomes and Miscellaneous
Chairs: Søren Laurberg (Denmark), Martyn Evans (UK)
- F28 - Correlation between prognostic nutritional index and the occurrence of postoperative complications in colon cancer patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery - Toshiya Nagasaki (Japan)
- F29 - Male erectile function after treatment for colorectal cancer - a population-based cross-sectional study - Katrine Emmertsen (Denmark)
- F30 - A Cohort Study of the Community Burden of Surgical Site Infections Following Colorectal Surgery - Lydia Newton (UK)
- F31 - Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation to reduce ileus after colorectal surgery - Stephen Chapman (UK)
- F32 - Short-term outcomes of day-case stoma closure: results of a prospective observational study - Charles Sabbagh (France)
- F33 - Risk of colorectal cancer following acute diverticulitis - a nationwide population-based cohort study - Najia Azhar (Sweden)
- F34 - International multicentre cohort study for the external validation of CLASSIC - Classification of Intraoperative Complications - Alejandro Solis Peña (Spain)
- F35 - Primary Resection Anastomosis compared with Hartmann’s Procedure in Hinchey III & IV Diverticulitis - Halim Hosam (UK)
- F36 - Routine histopathological examination of appendectomy specimens: a systematic review and meta-analysis - Vivian P. Bastiaenen (The Netherlands)
09:15 - 10:15
Plenary Hall A
Joint ESCP/EAES Symposium 
Chairs: Alexey Petrov (Russia), Des Winter (Ireland)
09:10 - 10:10
Parallel Hall F2
A Snapshot of Chinese Colorectal Surgery Today
Chair: Gabriela Möslein (Germany), Ren Zhao (China)
09:35 - 11:05
Parallel Hall N
Educational: Trainee Video Session 2
Chairs: Baljit Singh (UK), Ethem Gecim (Turkey)
10:15 - 11:25 |
Coffee Break |
10:25 - 11:25
Hall F2
10:25 - 11:20 |
11:25 - 11:55
Plenary Hall A
Keynote Lecture: Management of malignant rectal polyp/early rectal cancer
Chair: Gian Andrea Binda (Italy), Simon Bach (UK)
Speaker: Roel Hompes (The Netherlands)
12:00 - 12:20
Plenary Hall A
ESCP President's Address
Per Nilsson (Sweden) - ESCP President
12:25 - 12:55
Plenary Hall A
International Travelling Fellow Free Papers
Chairs: Des Winter (Ireland), Oliver Warren (UK), Sarah Mills (UK)
12:45 - 14:00 |
Lunch |
13:00 - 14:00
Hall F2
13:00 - 13:55 |
14:00 - 15:20
Plenary Hall A
The Six Best Free Papers
Chairs: Ian Daniels (UK), Eva Angenete (Sweden)
14:00 - 15:30
Parallel Hall N
Educational: How to get surgical information in 2020
Chairs: Klaus Matzel (Germany), Mark Potter (UK)
14:05 - 15:05
Hall F2
15:25 - 16:40
Plenary Hall A
Symposium: Atypical colitis, proctology and anal neoplasia
Chairs: Evangelos Xynos (Greece), Nicola Fearnhead (UK)
15:25 - 16:40
Parallel Hall F2
Joint ESCP/ECCO Symposium 
Chairs: Monica Millan (Spain), Zoran Krivokapic (Serbia)
15:30 - 17:30
Parallel Hall M
EuroSurg Student Session
Part I: What is EuroSurg and IMAGINE project results
Chairs: Francesco Pata (Italy), Stephen Chapman (UK), Ruth Blanco Colino (Spain)
- What is EuroSurg Collaborative? - Sara Kuiper (The Netherlands)
- IMAGINE project outputs - Alessandro Sgro (Italy)
Part II: Educational tips to grow as a young researcher
Chairs: Gianluca Pellino (Italy), Emily Mills (UK), Antonio Sampaio (Portugal)
- Tips to research in general surgery - why research and innovation are important? - Stephen Chapman (UK)
- Statistics tips and academic surgery - Kenneth McLean (UK)
- What is a collaborative? How to build a network - Dmitri Nepogodiev (UK)
- Students' view on IMAGINE and collaborative research participation - Silvia Perez Ajates (Spain)
- Trainee's view on IMAGINE and collaborative research participation - Ana Alagoa Joao (Portugal)
- GRANULE and key points for patient recruitment into trials - James Glasbey (UK)
- Women in colorectal surgery - Gabriela Möslein (Germany)
Part III: New EuroSurg project
Chairs: James Glasbey (UK), Rachel Khaw (UK), Alessandro Sgrò (Italy)
- Why patients should be involved in surgical research - Nicola Fearnhead (UK)
- EuroSurg-3 study launch and next steps - Ruth Blanco Colino (Spain)
EuroSurg session closure - Charles Knowles (UK)
16:25 - 17:05 |
Coffee Break |
16:35 - 17:00 |
16:30 - 18:00
Parallel Hall N
Educational: Interactive Trainee Workshop
Chairs: Martin Hübner (Switzerland), Jasper Stijns (Belgium)
17:05 - 17:35
Plenary Hall A
Keynote Lecture: Prehabilitation, nutrition and optimisation for major surgery
Chairs: Katrine Emmertsen (Denmark), Samson Tou (UK)
Speaker: Debby Keller (USA)
Supported by Colorectal Disease
17:40 - 18:40
Plenary Hall A
Better surgical care - a global challenge
Chair: Dion Morton (UK), Per Nilsson (Sweden), Sohini Chakrabortee (UK)
Panel discussion
- Chair: Sohini Chakrabortee (UK)
17:40 - 18:40
Parallel Hall F2
Free Papers: Neoplasia
Chairs: Sarah Mills (UK), Ronan O'Connell (Ireland)
- F37 - Current practice and determinants of adjuvant chemotherapy use for stage III colon cancer in the English National Health Service - Jemma Boyle (UK)
- F38 - Changes in histopathology metrics during the learning curve of robotic rectal cancer surgery - Mirkhalig Javadov (Turkey)
- F39 - Quantitative analysis of 18-FDG-PET/MRI to assess pathological complete response following neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer. A Prospective Preliminary Study - Valentina Ferri (Spain)
- F40 - Clinical risk score for predicting postoperative mortality in patients with stage IV colorectal cancer: a population-based study in the Netherlands - Lindsey de Nes (The Netherlands)
- F41 - Causal treatment effect of complete mesocolic excision for right-sided cancer - Claus Anders Bertelsen (Denmark)
- F42 - Sphincter-saving surgery (SSR) after two preoperative treatment of ultra-low rectal carcinoma: 8-year results of the phase III multicentre randomised GRECCAR 1 trial - Philippe Rouanet (France)
17:40 - 18:40
Parallel Hall M
Free Papers: Neoplasia
Chairs: Katrine Emmertsen (Denmark), Paul-Antoine Lehur (France)
- F43 - Delays to listing patients for ileostomy closure following anterior resection significantly impacts time to closure: The UK-wide CLOSurE of Ileostomy Timing study (CLOSE-IT) - Katherine Gash (UK)
- F44 - Delaying surgery by more than 10 weeks after long course neoadjuvant radiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer patients improves pathologic complete response - Pere Planellas (Spain)
- F45 - International comparison between Swedish and Dutch rectal cancer audit on circumferential resection margin - Robin Detering (The Netherlands)
- F46 - Breath biopsy: a non-invasive method for screening and early diagnosis of colorectal cancer - Arcangelo Picciariello (Italy)
- F47 - Perirectal fasciae – a comprehensive anatomical investigation with a special focus on the double-laminar structure of the parietal pelvic fascia - Sigmar Stelzner (Germany)
- F48 - Implementation of Transanal Total Mesorectal Excision in Denmark: Short-term outcomes compared to open, conventional laparoscopic and robot-assisted procedures - Ilze Ose (Denmark)
ESCP Party - Säulenhalle, an annex of the Volksgarten nightclub