Levels of badging

Educational events can be badged in one of four levels (ESCP lead, ESCP badged, ESCP supported and ESCP listed) with the agreement of ESCP.

ESCP ledESCP badgedESCP supportedESCP listed

Level of badgingEducational eventPromotion by ESCP

ESCP led

  • Regional masterclasses
  • Pre-congress courses
  • Fellowship programme
  • European School of Coloproctology events
  • Webinars
 Yes, strong promotion
ESCP badged
  • EBSQ exams
  • Event where ESCP is a key partner in the planning
Yes, active promotion
ESCP supported Educational activities where ESCP was involved in the planning Yes, promotion
ESCP listed Educational activities with no ESCP involvement No, but listed in calendar 

Naming of events

  • ESCP led: ESCP to be named in the event title (e.g. ESCP Masterclass)
  • ESCP badged: ESCP to be named as partner in the event description and promotions
  • ESCP supported and ESCP listed: ESCP not named*

*see below for criteria for promotion by ESCP

ESCP supported or ESCP listed events

ESCP offers promotion to events that have applied to ESCP's Secretariat in advance, and meet certain criteria. 

Promotion offeredESCP supportedESCP listed
Listing on ESCP website calendar Yes Yes
Announcement by email to ESCP members Yes No
Announcement on ESCP social media channels, 6 and 3 months before event Yes No
ESCP badge on certificate Yes No
Criteria requiredESCP supportedESCP listed
One person in organising committee must be an ESCP member1 Yes Yes
National CME offered Yes Yes
Approval of content/program by ESCP Educational Committee at least 3 months before meeting 1,2 Yes No
Inscription fee discount for ESCP members offered Yes No
Price for badgingFree100 Euro1, 3
  1. Does not apply to affiliated societies (e.g. UEG, ASCRS, ACPGBI)
  2. Programme to be evaluated by three members of the Education Committee (Assistant Chair, y-ESCP and one other member)
  3. Does not apply to Global Reach affiliated societies with reciprocal promotion of events

How to apply

To apply send the following to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:

  • Event information:
    • Applicant e.g. national or regional society, hospital
    • Type of event e.g. course, congress, workshop
    • Duration of event - preferably 1 day minimum
    • Colorectal only, or part of general surgery event
    • Speakers - international, national only
    • Targeted audience e.g. national/international, trainees/general surgeons/specialists
    • Targeted number of participants
    • Format e.g. interaction, time for questions/discussions (panel, case presentations etc), live surgery, video
    • Language - local, English, translation
    • Sponsor(s)
  • Detailed programme for the event
  • Website address where the badge will be displayed
  • Contact name and email