Rosa Jimènez-Rodrìguez and Luis Sánchez-Guillén,
chairs of the Social Media Guideline Steering Group

ESCP Guidelines Committee is looking for expressions of interest from ESCP members to help develop a guideline about social media in coloproctology.

The guideline will include European data protection regulations and how they affect us, and how we can use social media technology in our daily practice.

It will have four sections:

  • Social media resources in colorectal surgery
  • Relationship between professionals
  • Privacy, patient information protection and patient involvement
  • Recommendations

The Steering Group is looking for 10 young surgeons, one nurse and one patient to join the project.

How to apply

Interested members should email ESCP Secretariat (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) detailing:

  • Your name
  • A short profile of yourself why you would like to take part
  • Your social media profiles
  • Any relevant papers you have written about social media or new technologies
  • Gender
  • Country where you currently reside

Deadline for expressions of interest: 10 November 2019

Steering Group

ESCP Social Media Guideline Steering Group members are: Rosa Jimènez-Rodrìguez and Luis Sánchez-Guillén (Chairs), Richard Brady, Julio Mayol, Gianluca Pellino and Des Winter.