The top 10 league tables are out!

ESCP would like to congratulate the collaborators, support staff and patients that are participating in the ESCP Snapshot Audit 2017.

Participation has been joined by centres across the globe from Australia to Uruguay by over 1600 collaborators. Not all records have been entered; however, at the moment there are 2866 records commenced or completed. Centres from 55 countries have signed up to the audit. The Cohort Sub-Committee is keeping its fingers crossed for a record breaking audit!

74 Helsinki University Hospital, Finland
40 National Republic Oncology Centre, Russia
40 Zuyderland Medical Center, Netherlands
39 Turku University Hospital, Finland
37 Humanitas Research Hospital, Italy
35 Worcestershire Royal Hospital, UK
32 Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark
31 National Cancer Institute, Lithuania
31 Semmelweis University, 1st Clinic of Surgery, Hungary
31 University Hospital Rijeka, Croatia

The ESCP would like to congratulate the collaborators, support staff and patients that are participating in the ESCP Snapshot Audit 2017.

Participation has been joined by centres across the globe from Australia to Uruguay by over 1600 collaborators. Not all records have been entered; however, at the moment there are 2866 records commenced or completed. Centres from 55 countries have signed up to the audit. The Cohort Sub-Committee is keeping its fingers crossed for a record breaking audit!

Download the latest protocol here to be informed of changes regarding stapling and staging.

Note to participants: The patient inclusion window ends soon: 10 May 2017. By 10 May 2017 your unit should have collected 8, or more, weeks of consecutive patient data. All patients are then followed-up for 30 days post-operation. If you have your REDCap login but have not uploaded any data yet it’s not too late to take part. Many participants collect data first on paper. Data can be entered retrospectively as long as the operative details are filled out together with the surgeon who was present during the operation itself. We strongly welcome centres to enter their data by 30 June 2017, as the database will be locked on that date!

The preliminary results will be presented at the ESCP conference in Berlin (September 2017).