Dion MortonDion Morton is Co-Chair of the ESCO Global Reach Committee with Prof. Simon Ng. He is Director of the NIHR Global Surgery Unit and Barling Cahir of Surgery at the University of Birmingham.

Current positions and hospital: Director of the NIHR Global Surgery Unit and Barling Chair of Surgery at the University of Birmingham

ESCP Executive position: Global Reach Committee Co-Chair

Main clinical and research interests: Clinical and translational research in colorectal cancer, but also encompassing the development of clinical trials in surgery

What made you want to specialise in colorectal surgery? 

My research interests in colorectal cancer treatment and prevention.

What is the best part of the job?

Looking after patients, especially those with an inherited disease, where you have the opportunity to look after families.

How long have you been involved in ESCP and what made you want to become involved?

Fifteen years. It is a fantastic and unique opportunity to influence patient care across the world. ESCP has actively developed international research collaborations that extend across Europe to southern Asia and South America.

What do you value most about being involved in ESCP?

Working with colleagues across many cultures and health care systems. Learning from each other and implementing improved patient care.

Tell us your best ESCP conference anecdote?

Meeting colleagues from South Korea when they approached us to collaborate with the ESCP research programme. It demonstrated how far our research has reached across the globe.

What would your one bit of advice for younger surgeons starting their career in colorectal surgery be?

Be ambitious - you can make a difference.