As a member of ESCP you join an active network of coloproctology professionals and can take advantage of the online resources including access to over 900 presentations, the full EMM Textbook of Coloproctology and online access to Colorectal Disease Journal.

There are numerous opportunities to make connections with colleagues across Europe, by using the Members' Directory or collaborating in ESCP Research projects (such as our Annual Cohort Audits) and Education initiatives (including annual fellowship opportunities).

You will also enjoy a substantial discount on registration fees for ESCP meetings, as well as ESSO and ASCRS meetings!

Discount on conference fees

Our members’ annual conference discount saves you more than the cost of joining ESCP. So, you’ve everything to gain and more if you’re going to conference!

Online subscription for ESCP members

Free online subscription to Colorectal Disease is included for all ESCP members! You are able to access the journal online directly from your ESCP member profile.

Members' Directory

A directory of members is available for you to access from your ESCP member profile.

Affiliate Membership to the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO)

ESCP is an affiliate member of ESSO, which means that as an ESCP member, you benefit from ESSO membership too!

As an organisation ESCP benefits from

  • Visibility in future ESSO Congresses and in the surgical track of the European Multidisciplinary Cancer congresses e.g. with combined sessions, access to the Scientific Committee;
  • Representation of our members in the ESSO membership committee;
  • Influence at European level through ESSO and ECCO (oncopolicy);
  • Further benefits for ESCP members include:
  • Access to the discounted registration rates for participating in the ESSO Congress, ESSO courses, and in the European Multidisciplinary Cancer congress;
  • Access to the ESSO training fellowship scheme;

NB: ESCP members do not have access to EJSO - the Journal of Cancer Surgery. Members interested in subscribing should contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for an individual subscription to the Journal.

New: ASCRS U - the premier online resource for practicing and in-training colorectal surgeons

ESCP full and trainee members are able to sign up for ASCRS U through your member profile. Here are the resources available:

  • ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery
  • Webinar recordings
  • Video Mentorship Series recordings
  • Best of ASCRS Annual Scientific Meeting videos
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)
  • Pelvic Floor Consensus Statements
  • Question bank for practice questions
  • CARSEP (available for additional discounted fee)
  • Fundamentals of Rectal Cancer Surgery (FRCS)
  • Innovation and Industry Education
  • Earn CME and Continuous Certification Self-Assessment credits

Membership term & rates

The membership year runs from 10 January to the following 10 January.  For full value for money, we recommend joining at the beginning of each membership year.

  • Full membership -  €170 (1 year), €465 (3 year)
  • Trainee membership - €115 (1 year), €310 (3 year)
  • Affiliate membership - €115 (1 year), €310 (3 year)
  • Online Only membership - €80 (1 year), €215 (3 year)
  • Honorary membership - complimentary
  • Online subscription to Colorectal Disease (12 volumes published Jan-Dec) - FREE for ESCP members

 For information on which membership rate applies to you, click here