Rectal Cancer

Folder Rectal Cancer


video Does intramesorectal proctectomy (IMP) provide improved outcomes compared to standard total mesorectal excision (TME) in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC)?

By In Rectal Cancer

Free paper - Liliana Bordeianou at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Does R1 resection compromise local control after conservative surgery for low rectal cancer?

By In Rectal Cancer

One of the Six Best Papers - Christophe Laurent at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video Does side-to-end anastomosis improve functional results comparing to straight anastomosis after low anterior resection?

By In Rectal Cancer

Oral Poster (Neoplasia) - E Rybakov at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Does the location of mesorectal disruption have an impact on oncological outcome?

By In Rectal Cancer

Oral Poster (Neoplasia) - Emre Sivrikoz at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Does the number of lymph nodes harvested at pathology in rectal cancer depend on the surgeon and pathologist only?

By In Rectal Cancer

Oral poster - Geerard Beets at ESCP Sorrento 2010

video Early closure of a temporary ileostomy after rectal resection for cancer (EASY trial): functional outcome

By In Rectal Cancer

The Six Best Free Papers - Jennifer Park (Sweden) at ESCP Nice 2018

video Early experience with external hemipelvectomy for primary advanced and recurrent pelvic carcinomas

By In Rectal Cancer

Oral poster - Mette Bak Nielsen at ESCP Sorrento 2010

video Early rectal cancer (T1) case

By In Rectal Cancer

Consultants corner - Jérémie Lefevre (France) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video Early rectal cancer: Radiotherapy? Against

By In Rectal Cancer

Big debate - Albert Wolthuis (Belgium) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Early rectal cancer: Radiotherapy? Pro

By In Rectal Cancer

Big debate - Geerard Beets (The Netherlands) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

pdf Effect of hospital volume on quality of care and outcome after rectal cancer surgery

By In Rectal Cancer

Short Paper - Daniel Leonard (Belgium) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

video Effects of probiotic supplementation on chemotherapy induced intestinal mucositis in an experimental colorectal cancer liver metastasis rat model

By In Rectal Cancer

One of twelve best abstracts - Matas Jakubauskas (Lithuania) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video Effects of radiotherapy on internal and external anal sphincter cell function: the first quantitative study using human anal sphincter muscle progenitor cells

By In Rectal Cancer

Free Paper (Functional) - Son Il Tae at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Electrophysiological neuromonitoring in colorectal surgery indicates the potential superiority of nerve-sparing with the laparoscopic approach

By In Rectal Cancer

Oral poster - Daniel W Kauff at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Endoscopic transanal or laparoscopic transabdominal mesorectal excision for low rectal cancer : a single institutional case control study

By In Rectal Cancer

Free Paper (Neoplasia) - Bernard Lelong at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video ETAR (endoscopic trans anal resection) technique

By In Rectal Cancer

Video surgery - Alex Kartheuser at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video Evaluation of anorectal function after low anterior resection for adenocarcinoma of the rectum - a 5-year follow-up of a randomized multicenter trial

By In Rectal Cancer

One of the Six Best Papers - Hannah Floodeen at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Extended gracilis myocutaneous flap: a different option for perineal and vaginal reconstruction after posterior pelvic exenteration for rectal cancer

By In Rectal Cancer

Surgical Video Session - Luis Sanchez-Guillen (Spain) at ESCP Berlin 2017

pdf Extra-levator abdomino-perineal excision (1 of 2)

By In Rectal Cancer

BJS Keynote Lecture - Torbjörn Holm (Sweden) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

video Extra-levator abdomino-perineal excision (2 of 2)

By In Rectal Cancer

BJS Keynote Lecture - Torbjörn Holm (Sweden) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

video For Trainees: Protective ileostomy only in selected cases

By In Rectal Cancer

Educational session - Tomas Poskus (Lithuania) at ESCP Virtually Vilnius 2020

video Functional disorders after rectal cancer resection: does a rehabilitation program improve anal continence and quality of life?

By In Rectal Cancer

Oral poster - Léon Maggiori at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video Functional disorders following intestinal resection: LARS score

By In Rectal Cancer

Symposium - Katrine Emmertsen at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Functional quality of the anal sphincter five years after intensified radiochemotherapy in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer

By In Rectal Cancer

Free paper - Karoline Horisberger at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Gadofosveset-enhanced MRI for nodal staging in rectal cancer: predictive criteria

By In Rectal Cancer

Oral poster - Geerard Beets at ESCP Sorrento 2010

video Gender influences on colorectal cancer treatment: Pelvic floor/vaginal reconstruction after abdominoperineal excision

By In Rectal Cancer

Symposium - Shan Shan Qiu Shao (The Netherlands) at ESCP Virtually Vilnius 2020

video Gender influences on colorectal cancer treatment: Preserving sexual function in rectal cancer treatment options

By In Rectal Cancer

Symposium - Anne Thyø (Denmark) at ESCP Virtually Vilnius 2020

pdf Genetic and epigenetic factors in prediction of response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and clinical outcomes in rectal adenocarcinoma

By In Rectal Cancer

Short Paper - Jeremy Williamson (UK) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

pdf Gluteal sling perineal reconstruction - a novel technique for perineal floor restoration after eLAPR

By In Rectal Cancer

Short Paper - Jennifer A Smith (UK) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

video GRECCAR 12 - Organ preservation in rectal cancer treated by induction chemotherapy followed by chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone - a randomised phase III trial

By In Rectal Cancer

International trial results session - Benjamin Fernandez (France) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

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