ESCP is run by a Council whose responsibilities are outlined in the Constitution and Rules.

The Council is elected by its members and it meets at least once at the annual scientific meeting in September. The ESCP Council is made up of:

The Council has specialist committees that focus on key areas.

ESCP holds its Annual General Meeting in September where all Council members are formally elected.

The work of ESCP is overseen by a Board of Trustees whose role it is to ensure that ESCP is run on a sound legal and financial footing.

Committee Opportunities

Our Committees are always on the lookout for potential new members! More information about opportunities to get involved with ESCP Committee can be found on the Committee Updates page.

Committee Structure

The structure by which ESCP is run on a day to day basis is shown in the society organogram below:

ESCP Organogram showing how the committees relate to each other

Download the society organogram here >


All committee members are required by ESCP to publish financial interests and leadership positions that may give rise to conflicts of interest.

Download the current interests list here >

ESCP Affiliates