Each year ESCP awards honorary membership to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the field of Coloproctology. ESCP honorary members to date are:

Prof. Donato Altomare
Prof. Cornelius Baeten (d. 2022)
Prof. Regina Beets-Tan
Prof. Gina Brown
Prof. Adam Dziki
Prof. Alexander Engel
Dr Rob Glynne-Jones
Dr Stanley Goldberg
Prof. Najib Haboubi
Prof. Angelita Habr Gama
Prof. Bill Heald
Prof. Werner Hohenberger
Prof. Torbjörn Holm
Prof. Zoran Krivokapic (d. 2022)
Prof. Søren Laurberg
Prof. Paul Antoine Lehur
Prof. Kotarou Maeda
Prof. Anna Martling
Prof. Anders Mellgren
Prof. Heidi Nelson
Prof. John Nicholls
Prof. Ronan O'Connell
Prof. Hector Ortiz
Prof. Lars Pahlman (d. 2015)
Prof. Mike Parker
Prof. Freddy Penninckx
Prof. Stefan Post
Prof. Giovanni Romano
Prof. Rudolph "Ruud" Schouten
Prof. Yury Shelygin
Prof. Michael Solomon
Prof. Emmanuel Tiret
Miss Carolynne Vaizey
Dr Steven Wexner
ESCP Affiliates