Next Global Reach webinar

The next ESCP Global Reach webinar will be:

Advances in Abdominal and Rectal Surgery: Introducing iNOAA, Wolverine, and SELSA Studies

During the 14th ESCP Global Reach webinar we look ahead to three new global studies in abdominal and rectal surgery.

Date: Monday 16 December
Time: 12:00 GMT / 13:00 CET

Register here >

Previous Global Reach webinars

Colorectal Connections: Global insights across continents

In the 13th ESCP Global Reach webinar we look ahead to new studies to improve colorectal outcomes across the world and share the latest results from ongoing studies.

Date: 20 June 2024

Watch the Colorectal Connections webinar here >

Indications and outcomes of urgent abdominal procedures in Latin America - A global assessment beyond Europe

In the 12th ESCP Global Reach webinar we looked at colorectal outcomes in Latin America and introduce the new LATAM-URG study.

Date: 18 March 2024.

Note: A playback video isn't currently available because of technical issues.

View the 12th Global Reach webinar programme and faculty here >

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research and Practice: A Global Perspective

In the 11th ESCP Global Reach Webinar where experts provided a global perspective on inflammatory bowl disease research and practices.

Date: 17 July 2023

Watch the IBD Global Perspective webinar here >

Fecal Incontinence: a global perspective for a global problem

In this webinar leading speakers and panelists present their cutting edge research and clinical experience on FI. Updated management for FI from a global perspective is explored, and the challenges and opportunities for improving patient outcomes worldwide discussed.

Date: 24 April 2023

Watch the Fecal Incontinence webinar here >

Sharing Methodology, Results, and Best Practice in Global Research

Highlights of this seminar included sessions on EAGLE, DAMASCUS and launches of studies on abdominal wall closure and colorectal cancer in Argentina.

Date: Monday 9 January 2023

Watch Sharing Methodology, Results, and Best Practice webinar here >

Global Challenges in Proctology

Highlights of this webinar included sessions on anal fistula and pelvic floor disorders, as well as trial updates from EAGLE, East of Damascus and the Abdominal Wall Closure trial.

Date: Monday 27 June 2022

Watch Global Challenges in Proctology webinar here > 

Developments in Care for Colorectal Cancer

New to 2022, ESCP's global reach webinar 'Developments in Care for Colorectal Cancer' was re-broadcast with a Spanish introduction from Nicolas Avellaneda for attendees from South America at 18:00 Argentina. The webinar was divided into 3 exciting sections: Part 1 focused on the global view of supporting care during COVID-19, Part 2 explored developing neoadjuvant treatment for colon cancer, and introducing ctDNA monitoring, and in-between these talks attendees were updated on the advancement of the EAGLE and EAST of Damascus trials.  

Date: Monday 21 March 2022

Watch Developments in Care for Colorectal Cancer webinar here >

Bridging Global Research and Practice

ESCP´s global reach committee hosted its latest webinar on December 3rd. The first part of the webinar highlighted the treatment of emergency colonic cancer and the management of these patients. The second part updated on the progression of the EAST of Damascus and EAGLE trials, and on how to build a successful research network.

Date: Friday 3 December 2021

Watch Bridging Global Research and Practice webinar here >

East of DAMASCUS: a new frontier of collaboration between East and West on colonic diverticulitis

East of DAMASCUS is a snapshot collaborative audit study on diverticulitis management that will be launched in Asia during autumn 2021.

The study is a continuation of the international prospective DAMASCUS study investigating international variability in presentation, index management of acute diverticulitis and 30-days and 6-months outcomes including readmission and reinterventions. East of DAMASCUS is a joint project between the DAMASCUS lead and ESCP's Global Reach Committee.

This webinar provides the background to the study, details on how to join and was an opportunity to ask further questions of the panel.

Date: Friday 27 August 2021

View East of DAMASCUS webinar here >

Study information and registration can be found here >

This audit is now open to recruitment

Myths and Evidence in Diverticular Disease

'Myths and Evidence in Diverticular Disease' was our first webinar on a benign condition, looking at how it presents differently across the world, and how we manage these patients. Our two part programme featured colleagues from Europe, Asia and South America.

Date: Friday 18 June 2021

View Myths and Evidence in Diverticular Disease webinar here >

Translating Evidence into Practice

We collaborated in this event with Chinese Society of Colorectal Surgery, Hong Kong Society for Coloproctology, The Japan Society of Coloproctology, Korean Society of Coloproctology, Malaysian Society of Colorectal Surgeons, Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Taiwan, Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Thailand and Society of Colorectal Surgeons Singapore.

Date: Friday 19 March 2021

View Translating Evidence into Practice webinar here >

Supported by:

Achievement Through Collaboration

Together with Korean Society of Coloproctology, Chinese Society of Colorectal Surgery, Hong Kong Society of Coloproctology, ESCP is delighted to present our second Global Reach Webinar.

Date: Friday 20 November 2020

View Achievement Through Collaboration webinar here >

Supported by:

East Meets West

Together with Korean Society of Coloproctology, Chinese Society of Colorectal Surgery, Hong Kong Society of Coloproctology, ESCP was delighted to present our first Global Reach Webinar: 'East Meets West'.

Date: Friday 24 July 2020

View East Meets West webinar here >



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