Plenary Session
8:30-10:00 Symposium - New concepts in colorectal surgery
Chairs: Mike Parker (UK)
Olle Ljungqvist (Sweden)

Introduction - Mike Parker
Laparoscopy - hand assisted
Willem Bemelman (The Netherlands)
Laparoscopy - colon resection

Anthony Senagore (USA)
Laparoscopy - low anterior resection

Eric Rullier (France)
Intra-operative haemodynamic optimization
Sophie Noblett (UK)
8:30-10:00 Free paper presentations
Chairs: Josef Korcek (Slovakia)
José Roig(Spain)

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break/Exhibition/Posters
  Plenary Session
10:30 -11:30 Symposium - Enhanced Recovery Symposium
Chair: Alan Horgan (UK)

Introduction - Alan Horgan
Anaesthetic considerations
Howard Wakeling (UK)
Surgical considerations

John MacFie (UK)
Nutrition and metabolic considerations

Olle Ljungqvist (Sweden)
Alan Horgan (UK)

Supported by Deltex Medical Ltd
  Parallel Session
10:30-11:30 Free paper presentations
Chairs: Alexandre Duarte (Portugal)
Paul Finan (UK)
  Plenary Session
11:30-12:00 Keynote lecture - Laparoscopy in colon
and rectal surgery

Speaker: Anthony Senagore (USA)
Chair: Henrique Bicha Castelo (Portugal)
12:00-12:30 Keynote lecture - Expert tips on how to
run clinical trials

Speaker: Cornelius van de Welde (The Netherlands)
Chair: Torbjörn Holm (Sweden)
  Parallel Session
11:30-12:30 Oral poster presentations
Chairs: Fredrik Hjern (Sweden)
Mirko Omejc (Slovenia)

12:30-13:30 Lunch
  Parallel Session
13:30-15:00 Symposium
Constipation and evacuation disorders

Chairs: Ioannis Karaitianos (Greece)
Mario Pescatori (Italy)

Evaluation of severe constipation
Johann Pfeifer (Austria)
Treatment of obstructed defecation (STARR)
Anders Mellgren (Sweden)
SNS for constipation
Tom Dudding (UK) & Cor Baeten
(The Netherlands)
Surgery for severe constipation
Freddy Penninckx (Belgium)
Conservative management of
severe constipation
Richard Nelson (UK)

Supported by Medtronic
  Parallel Session
13:30-15:00 Free paper presentations
Chairs: Francesco Selvaggi (Italy)
Per Nilsson (Sweden)

15:00-15:30 Coffee Break/Exhibition/Posters
  Plenary Session
15:30-16:00 Keynote lecture - Screening for colorectal

Speaker: Lester Rosen (USA)
Chair: Eduardo García-Granero (Spain)
16:00-16:30 Keynote lecture - Bowel preparation - is it necessary?
Speaker: Peer Wille-Jørgensen (Denmark)
Chair: James Hill (UK)
  Parallel Session
15:30-16:30 Oral poster presentations
Chairs: Tom Oresland (Sweden)
Juan Martí Ragué (Spain)

16:30-17:30 Symposium
A European treatment algorithm for anal fissure
Chair: Mario Pescatori (Italy)

The Evolution of non-surgical therapy
Ruud Schouten (The Netherlands)
The development of a licensed GTN
Per-Olof Nyström (Sweden)
The development of a European treatment algorithm
Jon Lund (UK)
ESCP Affiliates