bk medicalCourse location: Herlev Hospital
Course Directors: Anders Mellgren (USA), Giulio Santoro (Italy)
Date: Wednesday 21 September
Time: 12:00-16.30

Sponsored by B-K Medical

Note: The visit to B-K Medical is not now taking place; transport will return to the Tivoli Hotel at the end of the day.


Introduction: Course objectives - Anders Mellgren (USA), Giulio Santoro (Italy)

12:15 Normal ultrasound anatomy of the anal canal and rectum - Johan Pollack (Sweden)
12:30 Normal ultrasound anatomy of the pelvic floor - Giulio Santoro (Italy)
12:45 Ultrasound evaluation of fistula and abscess - Carlo Ratto (Italy)
13:00 Ultrasound evaluation of fecal incontinence - Anders Mellgren (USA)
13:15 Coffee/Tea
13:30 Ultrasound in preoperative staging of rectal cancer - Anders Mellgren (USA)
13:45 Ultrasound of anterior compartment disorders - Pavel Wieczorek (Poland)
14:00 Ultrasound of posterior compartment disorders - GiulioSantoro (Italy)
14.15 How can US change the clinical decision-making? - Klaus Matzel (Germany)
14:30 Patient cases & discussion with faculty - Anders Mellgren (USA), Giulio Santoro (Italy)


30 minutes at each station:

  • Rectal ultrasound
  • Anal ultrasound
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic floor

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