Main Session 
09:00 - 10:30 Symposium – New Technology
Chairs: Donato Altomare (Italy)
Eloy Espin-Basany(Spain)

Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (“NOTES”)



Advances in endoscopic treatment

Per-Ola Park (Sweden)

Ivo Broeders (The Netherlands)

Stefan Post (Germany)

Noriko Suzuki (UK)
 Parallel Session 
09:00 - 10:30 Parallel Session - Free Papers
Chairs: Júlio Leite (Portugal)
Attila Nagy (Hungary)

Lynch Syndrome caused by MLH1 mutation is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer

Clinical significance of macroscopic completeness of mesorectal resection in rectal cancer

The management of low grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasms

A National Bowel Cancer Audit Programme : Stenting in bowel cancer ; results and outcomes from the audit

TEM Surgery in 143 Patients With Rectal Cancer. Long Term Results From a Multicenter Study

Radiological staging of anal squamous cell carcinoma. Should PETCT be added to the armamentarium?

Quality of Mesorectal (QM) excision evaluation: prognostic value and utility as an adjunct for the multidisciplinary approach to rectal cancer management

Safe laparoscopic TME and handsewn coloanal anastomosis for low rectal cancer without protective stoma: technical and functional results in 42 consecutive patients

Multivisceral resection for primary rectal cancer

Emma Barrow, UK

Júlio Leite, Portugal

Shantanu Rout, UK

Colin Sugden, UK

Gunnar Baatrupå, Norway

Alec Engledow, UK

Omar Faiz, UK

Jean-Luc FAUCHERON, France

Werner Kneist, Germany
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
 Main Session 
11:00 - 12:30 Consultant's Corner
Chairs: Alexander Engel (The Netherlands)
Neil Mortensen (UK)

Najib Haboubi (UK)
Paul-Antoine Lehur (France)
Robert Madoff (USA)
Mike Parker (UK)
Phil Paty (USA)
Tomás Skricka (Czech Republic)

12:30 - 13:00 Keynote Lecture – Pelvic Anatomy and its Application to Pelvic Surgery
Chair: Eduardo Garcia-Granero (Spain)
Thilo Wedel (Germany)
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
 Main Session 
14:00 - 14:30 Keynote Lecture – Surgery for Recurrent Rectal Cancer
Chair: Peter Sagar (UK)
Supported by a grant from The British Journal of Surgery
Phil Paty (USA)
14:30 - 16:00 Symposium – Neoadjuvant Treatment of Rectal Cancer
Chairs: Krzysztof Bujko (Poland)
Werner Hohenberger (Germany)

Update of trials

New biologicals

Assessment of response

The complete response; is surgery necessary?

Lars Påhlman (Sweden)

Eric Van Cutsem (Belgium)

Eric Rullier (France)

Phil Paty (USA)
 Parallel Session 
14:30 - 16:00 Free Papers
Chairs: Jozef Korcek (Slovak Republic),
Anna Martling (Sweden)

Radiofrequency hemorrhoidal coagulation and mucopexy in grade III hemorrhoids- early and long -term outcome

Clinical Predictors of Tuberculous Fistulo in Ano

Complications and re-interventions after surgery for obstructed defecation

Seton Drainage Prior to Transanal Advancement Flap Repair Does Not Improve the Outcome

0,25 percent glycerin trinitrate ointment and anal dilatation in treatment of chronic anal fissure.

Anatomical study of the arterial vascularisation of the corpus cavernosum recti questions the use of a Doppler probe in hemorrhoidal ligation therapy.

Does Adjuvant Antibiotic Treatment After Drainage of Perianal Abscess Prevent The Development Anal Fistula? A Prospective Randomized Double Blind Clinical Study

The Dutch multicentre experience of the Endo-Sponge treatment of anastomotic leakage after colorectal surgery

STARR versus TRANS STARR for the surgical treatment of obstructed defaecation

Pravin Gupta, India

Michael Keighley, UK

Giovanni Milito, Italy

Litza Mitalas, Netherlands

Michele Schiano di Visconte, Italy

Jaap-Peter Schuurman, Netherlands

Ulas Sozener, Turkey

Paul van Koperen, Netherlands

Himanshu Wadhawan, UK

16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 - 17:00 Keynote Lecture – National Colorectal
Cancer Audit
Chair: Dieter Hahnloser (Switzerland)
Arne Wibe (Norway)
ESCP Affiliates