Felix Aigner
Felix Aigner

Date: Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Times: 08:00 – 17:15
Venue: Austria Center Vienna
Cost: €600 ESCP Member / €800 Non-Member

Course director: Felix Aigner (Germany)

Faculty: Juriaan Tuynman (The Netherlands), Joep Knol (Belgium), Michel Adamina (Switzerland), Stefan Riss (Austria), Walter Brunner (Germany)

Please note: If you wish to have a coffee before the course starts, there is a café on the ground level.

The skills lab is reserved for 16 participants with expertise in minimally invasive colorectal and transanal surgery. Advanced minimal invasive surgery skills are required.

Innovations in coloproctology pushed the limits of rectal surgery with regard to sphincter or even organ preserving strategies. The transanal is an old approach, however, fostered by new technology to widen the spectrum of surgical treatment of early to locally advanced rectal tumours.

This skills lab offers the opportunity to learn innovative techniques like TAMIS (transanal minimally invasive surgery) or principles of TaTME (transanal total mesorectal excision) under the supervision of colorectal experts.

Course content

The one-day course comprises theoretical instructions and practical exercises for the safe and effective application of the transanal approach for local excision of benign and low-risk malignant rectal lesions, as well as the first steps of TaTME.

Participants at a TAMIS Course

Learning objectives

Attendees should gain the following:

  • Learn about indications for the transanal approach
  • Learn about the technical challenges and the application of the devices for the transanal approach (port and insufflation system)
  • Awareness of the pitfalls and management of serious adverse events of the transanal operations
  • Ability to perform transanal polypectomy and local excision of benign and low-risk malignant rectal
  • Ability to perform first steps of TaTME (pursestring suture and circular rectal transsection)

Hands-on exercises

Duration of exercises for each participant:

  1. Transanal polypectomy (30 mins)
  2. Transanal local excision (full thickness/submucosal dissection) (30 mins)
  3. Transanal pursestring suture (30 mins)
  4. Transanal rectal dissection (15 mins)
  5. Transanal stapled anastomosis (30 mins)


Please note: If you wish to have a coffee before the course starts, there is a café on the ground level.

08:00 - 08:10 Welcome - Felix Aigner
08:10 - 08:40 Technical instruction of the transanal approach - Walter Brunner
08:40 - 09:10 Transanal local excision of benign lesions and T1 rectal carcinomas: tips and tricks and review of the literature - Juriaan Tuynman
09:10 - 12:00 Hands-On I (Wet Lab)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 - 13:30 TaTME: step-by-step approach - Joep Knol
13:30 - 14:00 TaTME: review of the current literature - Michel Adamina
14:00 - 14:30 Video, tips and tricks: pitfalls of TAMIS - all speakers
14:30 - 17:00 Hands-On II (Wet Lab)
17.00 - 17:15 Evaluation and wrap-up - Felix Aigner
17:15 Course ends
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