Time/Location | Event |
07:30 - 08:30
Free Papers (Miscellaneous and Neoplasia)
Chairs: Dursun Bugra (Turkey), Des Winter (Ireland)
- F13: Minimally invasive colorectal surgery in the super obese: does size really matter? - Sofoklis Panteleimonitis (UK)
- F14: Early versus delayed closure of loop defunctioning ileostomy in patients undergoing distal colorectal resections: an integrated systematic review and meta-analysis of published randomized, controlled trials - Sameh Farag (UK)
- F15: The impact of intraoperative indocyanine green-enhanced fluorescence on bowel transection point in left-sided colon and rectal resection - Giulia Maggi (Italy)
- F16: Laparoscopic lavage for complicated diverticulitis: preliminary results of the LLOStudy - Binda Gian Andrea (Italy)
- F17: Does it matter how or who performs a stapled side to side ileocolic anastomosis? Results of the ESCP right hemicolectomy audit - Sanjay Chaudhri, on behalf of ESCP Cohort Studies 2015 (UK)
- F18: The TRIGGER trial: a multicentre randomised control feasibility study with an embedded phase III design using the magnetic resonance tumour regression grade (mrTRG) to stratify locally advanced rectal cancer management by response to chemoradiotherapy - Nick Battersby (UK)
07:30 - 08:30
Free Papers (Neoplasia)
Chair: Alex Moskalev (Russia), Per Nilsson (Sweden)
- F19: Open versus laparoscopic rectal cancer resection and risk of surgery for adhesive small bowel obstruction: a nationwide population-based cohort study - Peter Andersen (Denmark)
- F20: Rapid development of peritoneal metastases after adjuvant chemotherapy is associated with worse survival after cytoreduction and HIPEC - Nina Sluiter (The Netherlands)
- F21: Incidence of VTE after curative surgery for colon cancer within an ERAS programme - Jo Erling Waage (Denmark)
- F22: Is magnetic resonance imaging useful in preoperative evaluation of large rectal villous adenomas? - Diane Mege (France)
- F23: Learning curve of trans-anal total mesorectal excision (TATME): is it really safe and better than laparoscopic TME (LTME) with perineal approach first in patients with low rectal cancer ? A case-matched study in 68 patients - Diane Mege (France)
- F24: Bowel motility after transecting the superior mesenteric plexus (SMP) at D3 right colectomy: a wireless motility study - Yngve Thorsen (Norway)
07:45 - 08:30 |
ESCP Guidelines Update
Chair: Carolynne Vaizey (UK)
- Pelvic mesh - Yasuko Maeda (UK)
- Dephi Consensus - taTME - Danilo Miskovic (UK)
- Lynch syndrome - Gabriela Möslein (Germany)
- Haemorrhoid Treatments - Stephanie Breukink (The Netherlands)
- Guidelines Synthesis: Guidelines for Rectal Cancer Follow Up - Søren Laurberg (Denmark)
- ESCP's future Guidelines priorities - Carolynne Vaizey (UK)
07:30 - 10:15 |
Educational: Trainee Video Session
Standardised step-by-step teaching videos
Chairs: Dieter Hahnloser (Switzerland), Samson Tou (UK)
- Surgery for anal fissure - Peter Christensen (Denmark)
- Fergusson for haemorrhoidal disease - Guy R Orangio (USA)
- Imaging: MRI for anal fistula - David Zimmerman (The Netherlands)
- Inter-sphincteric Abdomino Perineal Excision - Brendan Moran (UK)
- Perineal hernia repair after APR - Paul Verheijen (The Netherlands)
- Mobilising splenic flexure in the left lateral position - Alan Horgan (UK)
- Mobilising splenic flexure medial to lateral - Pierpaolo Sileri (Italy)
- Mobilising splenic flexure lateral to medial - Marek Zawadzki (Poland)
- Panel discussion
08:30 - 10:00 |
New Trials Forum
Chair: Dion Morton (UK)
Expert panel: Willem Bemelman (The Netherlands), Christianne Buskens (The Netherlands), Peter Christensen (Denmark), Jérémie Lefevre (France)
New Trials presentations: four proposals reviewed by the expert panel
T01: ALASCCA – A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study with aspirin treatment in colorectal cancer patients with mutationsin the PI3K signalling pathway - Anna Martling (Sweden)
T02: Comparison between treatments for anal fistula: glue versusComparison between treatments for anal fistula: glue versuslipofilling – a randomized controlled multicentre study – FATGLUEprotocol - Aurélien Venara (France)
T03: FLICC II (fluorescence lymph node imaging in colon cancer) - Heman Joshi (UK)
T04: Study of oncological outcomes of D3 lymph node dissection in Study of oncological outcomes of D3 lymph node dissection incolon cancer (COLD trial) - Aleksei Petrov (Russia)
Announcing the ESCP cohort study for 2018 - Matteo Frasson (Italy)
08:30 - 10:00 |
Free Papers (Neoplasia)
Chair: Goran Barisic (Serbia), Ismail Gögenur (Denmark)
- F25: Single incision laparoscopy versus multiport laparoscopy for colonic surgery: a multicenter randomized double blinded controlled trial - Léon Maggiori (France)
- F26: Is there a difference in long-term survival in patients treated for malignant colorectal polyps? A nationwide cohort study - Katarina Levic (Denmark)
- F27: Endoscopic resection of malignant rectal polyps with questionable margins of resection: tranasanal endoscopic surgery (TEM/TEO) or radical abdominal surgery? - Anna Pallisera-Lloveras (Spain)
- F28: Early detection of anastomotic leakage after low anterior resection with intraperitoneal microdialysis: a prospective multicenter study - Mark Bremholm Ellebæk (Denmark)
- F29: Preoperative bowel preparation before elective right hemicolectomy - Irmgard Weindl (Germany)
- F30: Progression of anal squamous intraepithelial neoplasia to anal cancer - Kåre Gotschalck Sunesen (Denmark)
- F31: Stoma reversal and long-term functional outcomes in low rectal cancer surgery: results from the MERCURY II study - Mit Dattani (UK)
- F32: Patterns of metastatic disease in rectal cancer patients in an international 'watch and wait' cohort - Marit van der Sande on behalf of the International Watch & Wait Database (IWWD) Consortium (The Netherlands)
- F33: Risk factors for metachronous peritoneal carcinomatosis: a national population-based cohort study of nearly 21,000 Danish colorectal cancer patients - Sissel Ravn (Denmark)
10:00 - 10:15 |
Educational: ESCP Fellowship Update
Chairs: Edgar Furnee (The Netherlands), Baljit Singh (UK)
- Mostafa Shalaby (Egypt) visited University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
- Manol Sokolov (Bulgaria) visited Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, The Netherlands
10:15 - 11:15 |
Long Coffee Break/Exhibition/Posters |
10:15 -11:15 |
10:15 - 10:40 |
10:50 - 11:15 |
10:45 - 12:35 |
Educational: Trainee Round Table Session
For trainees only: case presentations and table discussion with experts
Chair: David Zimmerman (The Netherlands)
Experts: Donato Altomare (Italy), Emre Balik (Turkey), Willem Bemelman (The Netherlands), Sebastiano Biondo (Spain), Yves PanisDonato Altomare (Italy), Emre Balik (Turkey), Willem Bemelman (The Netherlands), Sebastiano Biondo (Spain), Yves Panis(France), Mark Potter (UK), Apollo Pronk (The Netherlands), Pierpaolo Sileri (Italy), Baljit Singh (UK), Giovanni Romano (Italy), Janindra Warusavitarne (UK)
Case presentations:
- Imaging: interpretation of defecography - André D'Hoore (Belgium)
- Large bowel obstruction - Mike Parker (UK)
11:15 - 11:45 |
Keynote Lecture: Vaginal Partus and Risk for Pelvic Floor Disorders
Chair: Esther Consten (The Netherlands)
Speaker: Jan Deprest (Belgium)
11:45 - 12:05 |
ESCP President's Address
Emmanuel Tiret - ESCP President
12:05 - 12:35 |
International Travelling Fellow Free Papers
Chairs: Ethem Gecim (Turkey), Stefan Post (Germany)
- ASCRS Visiting Fellow: In vivo and In vitro Efficacy of Dual PI3K/mTOR Inhibition in Novel Murine Models of Anal Cancer - Brooks Rademacher
- JSCP Visiting Fellow: Laparoscopic surgery for locally recurrent rectal cancer - Mamoru Uemura
- KSCP Visiting Fellow: The Role of Primary Tumor Resection in Colorectal Cancer Patients with Asymptomatic, Synchronous Unresectable Metastasis: a Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Trial - Eun Jung Park
12:35 - 13:45 |
Long Lunch/Exhibition/Posters |
12:45 - 13:45 |
12:45 - 13:10 |
13.20 - 13.45 |
12:35 - 13:45 |
Educational: Workshop for Authors: How to Write a Paper 
Supported by Colorectal Disease
Chairs: Roberto Bergamaschi (USA), Neil Mortensen (UK)
- How to write a systematic review - Omar Faiz (UK)
- How to review a paper - Neil Smart (UK)
- How to prepare and submit a video - Ronan Cahill (Ireland)
- What the Editors expect - Alexander Engel (Australia)
13:45 - 15:05 Plenary Hall |
 The Six Best Free Papers
Chairs: Anna Martling (Sweden), Emmanuel Tiret (France)
- B1: Coffee accelerates recovery of bowel function after elective colon resection: a randomized controlled trial - Andreas Keerl (Switzerland)
- B2: Long-term risk of cancer following ileal pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis - Anders Mark-Christensen (Denmark)
- B3: The Rectal Cancer Female Sexuality score: development and validation of a scoring system for female sexual function after rectal cancer surgery - Anne Thyø (Denmark)
- B4: FOxTROT: Safety and feasibility of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced, resectable colon cancer based on the phase III of a randomised controlled trial - FOxTROT Collaborative Group (UK)
- B5: Oncological outcomes after anastomotic leakage following surgery for rectal cancer in a randomized trial (COLOR II): increased risk of recurrence? - Thomas Koedam (The Netherlands)
- B6: Effect of mode of delivery on anal incontinence following a second delivery in women with sphincter disruption resulting from the first delivery: the EPIC multicenter randomized trial - Laurent Abramowitz (France)
14:00 - 15:00 |
15:05 - 16:05 |
ESCP/ECCO Symposium: Ulcerative Colitis
Chairs: Antonino Spinelli (Italy), Janindra Warusavitarne (UK)
- Cycling, switching and swapping with drugs, what does it mean to the patient? Impact on the surgical patient – Krisztina Gecse (The Netherlands)
- Multidisciplinary decision making for colectomy: the difficult patient - Willem Bemelman (The Netherlands)
- Tailored minimal invasive surgery for UC: how and by whom? - Yves Panis (France)
An ESCP session developed in collaboration with ECCO
15:05 - 16:05 |
ESCP/EAES Symposium: Screening and Surveillance
Chairs: Stig Norderval (Norway), Giovanni Romano (Italy)
- Dysplasia in IBD: implications for the surgeon - Najib Haboubi (UK)
- Gene and gender recommendations for Lynch syndrome (HNPCC) - Gabriela Möslein (Germany)
- Screening strategies of colorectal cancer- an update - Francesco Bianco (Italy)
A jointly organised EAES/ESCP session
16:05 - 16:30 |
16:05 - 16:50 |
Coffee Break/Exhibition/Posters |
16:05 - 16:50 |
ESCP Annual General Meeting |
16:50 - 17:20 |
Keynote Lecture: Malignant Appendix - How to Handle?
Chair: Petr Tsarkov (Russia)
Speaker: Brendan Moran (UK)
Supported by a grant from BJS
16:50 - 18:20 |
Educational: Interactive Trainee Workshop
Chairs: Muhammed Imran Aslam (UK), Baljit Singh (UK), David Zimmerman (The Netherlands)
- Ischemic colitis - Yves Panis (France)
- Anal fistula - Emre Balik (Turkey)
- Diverticulitis - Goran Barisic (Serbia)
17:20 - 18:20 |
17:20 - 18:20 Plenary Hall |
Free Papers (Neoplasia)
Chair: Peter Dawson (UK), Aigars Martinsons (Latvia)
- F34: Outcome of the Spanish rectal cancer project in Galician hospitals - Lucia Garrido (Spain)
- F35: Nomogram for the individualized evaluation of postoperative risk after colonic oncological resection: Multivariate analysis of a national prospective study (ANACO study) - Luis Sánchez-Guillén (Spain)
- F36: The tumour-stroma ratio is a prognostic factor in colorectal cancer stage II - Elinor Bexe Lindskog (Sweden)
- F37: Predicting duodenal invasion in right sided colon cancer: Lessons learned from eight hundred cases in a tertiary referral centre - Diederik Meylemans (UK)
- F38: Previous radiotherapy for prostate cancer is a risk factor for local recurrence after rectal cancer surgery: nationwide population-based study - Ingvar Sverrisson (Sweden)
- F39: Laparoscopic colorectal cancer resection in the elderly and obese is associated with more reduction of post-operative complications compared to the younger and non-obese patients - Anne Sophie van Dalen (USA)
18:20-18:50 |
Keynote Lecture: New Methods of Surgical Treatment of High and Transsphincteric Fistulas
Chair: Sebastiano Biondo (Spain)
Speaker: Paolo Giamundo (Italy)
20:00 |
ESCP Informal Conference Dinner at Brauhaus Lemke "Am Alex" Restaurant |