Time | Event | Location |
08:00 - 11:30
Educational: 7th Anorectal and Pelvic Ultrasound Seminar
Course directors: Anders Mellgren (USA) , Giulio Santoro (Italy)
Supported by BK Ultrasound
The Liffey A |
09:30 -11:30
Educational: Core Subject Update
Chairs: Arne Wibe (Norway), Sebastiano Biondo (Spain)
The Liffey B |
11:30 - 11:35 |
Official Opening |
Auditorium |
11:35 - 12:35
Symposium: Cancer family syndromes: what the surgeon needs to know
Chairs: Zoran Krivokapic (Serbia), Robin Phillips (UK)
Auditorium |
Free Papers - Functional
Chairs: Aldo Infantino (Italy), Yves Panis (France)
- F01: Does a defunctioning stoma affect long-term anorectal function following low anterior resection of the rectum for cancer? - Soran Gadan (Sweden)
- F02: Functional outcome after laparoscopic anterior mesh rectopexy vs. laparoscopic posterior rectopexy for rectal prolapse: a prospective, double-blinded, randomized study - Lilli Lundby (Denmark)
- F03: Effects of radiotherapy on internal and external anal sphincter cell function: the first quantitative study using human anal sphincter muscle progenitor cells - Son Il Tae (Republic of Korea)
- F04: An aggressive management of acute mesenteric ischaemia is associated with satisfactory long-term survival and functional outcomes - Léon Maggiori (France)
- F05: A randomized trial of sacral neuromodulation versus perianal bulking injection of collagen in the treatment of faecal incontinence following obstetric anal sphincter injury - Mona Rydningen (Norway)
- F06: Ambulatory versus conventional hospitalization laparoscopic or robotic-assisted laparoscopic anterior rectopexy for patients with full-thickness rectal prolapse or enterocele - Jean-Luc Faucheron (France)
The Liffey B |
12:35 - 13:30 |
Exhibition opens - Sandwich lunch available |
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 15:00
International Trials Results Forum
Chairs: André D'Hoore (Belgium), Dion Morton (UK)
- Presentations of completed trials with Expert commentary:
- ROLARR - David Jayne (UK)
- GRECCAR 5 - Quentin Denost (France)
- LOLA - Willem Bemelman (Netherlands)
- COLOFOL - Peer Wille-Jorgensen (Denmark)
- Participating Experts will be announced closer to the meeting
- ESCP right hemi-colectomy study: presentation of results - Thomas Pinkney (UK)
Auditorium |
Video Surgery
Chairs: Mark Katory (UK), Julius Orhalmi (Czech Republic)
- V01: Single incision surgery combined with the trans-anal approach for ileoanal pouch surgery - Cosimo Alex Leo (UK)
- V02: Colorectal leaks corrected by trans-anal minimally invasive surgery - Giovanni Dapri (Belgium)
- V03: TAMIS perforation - what to do - Miguel Frois Borges (Portugal)
- V04: A side to side isoperistaltic strictureplasty for terminal ileal Crohn's disease - Anthony de Buck van Overstraeten (Belgium)
- V05: TAMIS a new option for the treatment of postoperative haemorrhage - Raquel Bravo (Spain)
- V06:Transperineal mesh fixation for parastomal hernia repair concomitant to transanal reverse completion proctectomy - Michal Kazanowski (Ireland)
- V07: Laparoscopic surgical planes for complete mesocolic excision for hepatic and transverse colon cancer - Erkin Ismail (Turkey)
- V08: Musset Cotterel sphincteroplasty - Labib Al-Ozaibi (United Arab Emirates)
- V09: Total laparoscopic right colectomy with vaginal extraction - Tolga Muftuoglu (Turkey)
- V10: Transanal rectal resection pure NOTES - Hugo Palma Rios (Portugal)
The Liffey B |
15:00 - 15:15
 ESCP Fellowships Update
Chair: Dieter Hahnloser (Switzerland), Klaus Matzel (Germany)
2014-15 ESCP Fellowships are supported by educational partners
Auditorium |
15:15 - 15:45
Keynote Lecture: Sacral nerve stimulation for bowel disorders
Chair: Paul Antoine Lehur (France)
Speaker: Charles Knowles (UK)
15:45 - 16:00 |
Coffee Break |
Exhibition Hall |
16:10 - 16:35 |
16:35 - 17:00 |
16:00 - 17:00
Free Papers - IBD
Chairs: Marc Duinslaegaer (Belgium), Zuzana Serclova (Czech Republic)
- F07: Probability, rate and timing of reconstructive surgery following colectomy for inflammatory bowel disease in Sweden: a population-based cohort study - Caroline Nordenvall (Sweden)
- F08: Clinical impact of PET/MR imaging in patients with Crohn’s disease undergoing same-day PET/CT - Francesco Selvaggi (Italy)
- F09: Rectal cancer risk after colectomy in ulcerative colitis patients - Maie Abdalla (Sweden)
- F10: Current practice of in-hospital management of acute colonic diverticulitis: a nation’s experience - Faes Seraina (Switzerland)
- F11: Incidence and treatment results of perianal and rectovaginal fistulizing Crohn’s disease in a population-based cohort - Kevin Göttgens (Netherlands)
- F12: Are the effects of the microbiome on Crohn’s perianal fistulae different to luminal Crohn’s disease? - Nuha Yassin (UK)
Auditorium |
The Liffey B |
Educational: The future of colorectal simulated training
Chairs: Ronan Cahill (Ireland), Laurents Stassen (Netherlands)
- Assessing technical competence for certification in colorectal surgery: the North American experience - Sandra de Montbrun (Canada)
- Simulated training: virtual reality - André Chow (USA)
The Liffey A |
17:00 - 18:00 |
Symposium: Common problems in proctology
Chairs: Juan Garcia Armengol (Spain), Alexander Herold (Germany)
Auditorium |
Educational: Best publications of the year
Presentation and discussion of the last year's 4 best papers and their clinical impact
Chair: Neil Mortensen (UK)
- Colon cancer, rectal cancer, benign colonic disease - Yury Shelygin (Russia)
- IBD, functional disease, proctology - Guillaume Meurette (France)
The Liffey A |
18:00 - 19:00 |
Exhibition Hall |
Free Papers - Miscellaneous
Chairs: Aigars Martinsons (Latvia), Evaghelos Xynos (Greece),
- F13: Costs-effectiveness of laparoscopic lavage compared to sigmoidectomy for purulent perforated diverticulitis within the randomised ladies trial - Sandra Vennix (Netherlands)
- F14: Effect of local injection of stem cells on injured anal sphincter: an experimental study - Sabry Mahmoud (Egypt)
- F15: The influence of obesity on postoperative outcomes following Hartmann reversal - Andrew Werner (USA)
- F16: Diverticulitis and the age factor: does age matter? - Nir Horesh (Israel)
- F17: Decreasing leak rate in colorectal surgery using near infra-red (NIR) imaging: a multicentric prospective phase II study - Frederic Ris (Switzerland)
- F18: The effects of perioperative non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in major gastrointestinal surgery: a multicentre, prospective cohort study - STARSurg Collaborative (Student Audit and Research Collaborative) (UK)
The Liffey A |
Free Papers - Neoplasia
Chairs: Martina Lemmerer (Austria), Gervasio Salgado (Spain)
- F19: The Stockholm III Trial on different radiotherapy regimens and timing to surgery in patients with rectal cancer: long-term follow up - Johan Erlandsson (Sweden)
- F20: Procalcitonin and C-reactive protein as early predictors of anastomotic leakage after low anterior resection - Evgeni Rybakov (Russia)
- F21: Waist to hip ratio better predicts oncological short- and long-term outcome after rectal cancer surgery than body mass index - Daniel Leonard (Belgium)
- F22: Multicentre pathological review for a novel histological tumour grading system based on quantifying poorly differentiated clusters in colorectal cancer - Hideki Ueno (Japan)
- F23: Lymph node ratio is superior to N-stage as a prognostic factor in rectal cancer, irrespective of neo-adjuvant treatment: results from a national cohort study - Jakob Lykke (Denmark)
- F24: Favourable long-term outcome of laparoscopic colon cancer surgery: a population based analysis - Stefan Benz (Germany)
The Liffey B |
Educational: Patient perspectives on stoma and transplantation
Chairs: Richard Brady (UK), Ronan O'Connell (Ireland)
Auditorium |
19:00 - 19:30 |
Student Oral Posters
Chairs: Anna Lepistö (Finland), Mikael Machado (Sweden)
- OP01: The effects of body mass index on complications following major gastrointestinal surgery: a multicentre, prospective, observational cohort study - STARSurg Collaborative (Student Audit and Research Collaborative) (UK)
- OP02: Long term results of artificial bowel sphincter in a single institution: a prospective study - Marlène Antor (France)
- OP03: Anal incontinence: laparoscopic rectopexy allows satisfactory results, about 174 cases - Diane Mege (France)
- OP04: Long-term outcomes of adults with a Malone Antegrade Continence Enema (MACE) for the treatment of constipation or faecal incontinence - Rosel Sturkenboom (Netherlands)
- OP05: Anal incontinence associated with low anterior resection syndrome. Sacral nerve stimulation: is it efficient? - Diane Mege (France)
- OP06: Abdominal adiposity in African American and non-Hispanic white men with and without colorectal cancer: a case-control study - Sandra Gomez-Perez (USA)
Auditorium |
Oral Posters (Proctology)
Chairs: Waleed Omar (Egypt), Joao Pimentel (Portugal)
- OP07: Endosonographic variations in thickness of anal sphincters in patients with haemorrhoids and normal population: a new insight into the etiology - Ahmed Farag (Egypt)
- OP08: Evaluation of the effect of amniotic membrane graft on wound healing process and decreased complications in patients who have undergone anal fistulatomy - Seyed Vahid Hosseini (Iran)
- OP09: Fistulotomy with primary anal sphincter repair is effective for complex fistula-in-ano - Maher A. Abbas (United Arab Emirates)
- OP10: Perineal body anatomy as seen in 3D ultrasound of asymptomatic nulliparae - Giulio A. Santoro (United Arab Emirates)
- OP11: Overlapping sphincteroplasty: does the number of vaginal deliveries impact the outcome? - Giulio A. Santoro (United Arab Emirates)
- OP12: Endoscopic Pilonidal Sinus Treatment (E.P.Si.T): a new minimally invasive technique for the treatment of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus - Pierpaolo Sileri (Italy)
The Liffey B |
Oral Posters (IBD)
Chairs: Roland Scherer (Germany), Tryggvi Stefansson (Iceland)
- OP13: Effect of complex surgical interventions on postoperative recurrence in patients with Crohn’s disease - Liliana Bordeianou (USA)
- OP14: Robot-assisted vs. open ileal pouch-anal anastomosis: a single-centre observational study of short-term outcome - Anders Mark-Christensen (Denmark)
- OP15: Nod2 gene variant is a risk factor for post-operative complications in patients with Crohn's disease - Adeline Germain (France)
- OP16: Previous episodes of acute diverticulitis as risk factor for recurrence after a successful laparoscopic lavage - Carlos Vaccaro (Argentina)
- OP17: Profiling transcriptional signatures associated with the aberrant mucus gel layer in ulcerative colitis - Aine Balfe (Ireland)
- OP18: Backwash ileitis not influence the risk of the pouchitis, but can increase the risk of the pouch dysplasia - Tomasz Banasiewicz (Poland)
The Liffey A |
19:30 - 20:30 |
ESCP Welcome Reception |