Date: Wednesday 25 September
Time: 10:00 - 12:30
Venue: press centre, level 2 A panel of worldwide leading colorectal surgeons will discuss current indications, outcomes and advancements in Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery (TAMIS). Attendees will gain insight into evolving techniques in advanced colorectal surgery, including transanal TME resections, through an interactive forum led by those at the forefront of this evolution. Following the didactic portion, faculty will conduct a hands-on TAMIS workshop utilising the GelPOINT path transanal access platform.

applied medicalPlease to select this symposium and workshop.

Workshop arranged by Applied Medical10.00 - 10.30



10.00 - 10.30





Part 1: TAMIS

Welcome and Introduction - Patricia Sylla (USA)

TAMIS - How It All Began and Outcomes to Date - Matthew Albert (USA)

TAMIS in Europe

TAMIS Indications and How to Implement at Your Hospital - Albert Wolthuis (Belgium)

10.30 - 11.10






Part 2: Future of Transanal Surgery

Transanal TME: How it All Began, Intro and History - Patricia Sylla (USA)

Transanal TME: Evolution of the Technique and Results to Date - Antonio Lacy (Spain)

Transanal TME: The French Experience - Frederic Dumont (France)

Transanal TME: Global Spread and Lessons Learned - Patricia Sylla (USA)

How Do We Get There? Registry, Recognition by Society, Validation - Roel Hompes (UK)

11.10 - 11.30

Question and Answer to Panel - Patricia Sylla and Speakers

11.30 - 12.30

Part 3: Workshop

Hands-on TAMIS Workshop - Faculty
12.30 Session Finish
ESCP Affiliates