Peritoneal Malignancies

Folder Peritoneal Malignancies


video Improving Outcome in Colon Cancer: HIPEC for CRC: boom or bust and what about prophylactic

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Scientific session - Delia Cortes Guiral (Spain) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video Colorectal Cancer: Cytoreduction with or without HIPEC for peritoneal carcinomatosis

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - Diane Goere (France) at ESCP Virtually Vilnius 2020

video What's new in immuno- and chemotherapy for colorectal tumours? Prophylactic HIPEC in high-risk colonic cancer patients

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - Diane Goere (France) at ESCP Nice 2018

video The role of primary tumor resection in colorectal cancer patients with asymptomatic, synchronous unresectable metastasis: a multicenter, randomized controlled trial

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

KSCP Visiting Fellow Free Paper - Eun Jung Park at ESCP Berlin 2017

document Peritoneal Malignancies and Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases (Chapter 28, European Manual of Medicine: Coloproctology Second Edition)

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

The majority of patients with pseudomyxoma peritonei of appendiceal origin who have complete cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy are cured. There is increasing evidence to support that similar principles of surgery and intraperitoneal chemotherapy can be effective in patients with peritoneal mesothelioma and colorectal peritoneal metastases. The key to a successful outcome is complete cytoreduction. This chapter discusses the evidence behind cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy, mainly in colorectal peritoneal metastases, and the challenges associated in selecting patients in whom this strategy is appropriate.

video Cytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC in Colorectal Cancer Popular

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Keynote Lecture - Olivier Glehen at ESCP Milan 2016

video Guidelines synthesis: evidence-based guideline recommendations on cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC for peritoneal carcinomatosis of colorectal cancer origin

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

New Trials Forum - Pieter Tanis at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Palliative surgical care: content, credibility and challenges in daily practice

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - Geoffrey Dunn at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Palliative surgical care: Palliative surgery in colorectal cancer

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - Helgi Kjartan Sigurdsson at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Palliative surgical care: Research in Palliative Care

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - Stein Kaasa at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Adjuvant hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) in patients with colon cancer at high risk of peritoneal carcinomatosis; the COLOPEC Dutch randomized multicentre trial

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

New Trials Forum - Charlotte Klaver at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Multimodal approach to metastatic colorectal cancer: Treatment of lung metastatis

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - Gaetano Rocco at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Multimodal approach to metastatic colorectal cancer: Treatment of liver metastatis

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - René Adam at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Multimodal approach to metastatic colorectal cancer: Multivisceral resection

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - Torbjörn Holm at ESCP Barcelona 2014

pdf Locally advanced colorectal cancers result in a hypercoagulable state: implications for extended post-operative prophylaxis

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Short Paper - Hamish W Clouston (UK) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

pdf Tumour grade and complete tumour removal affects survival after cytoreductive surgery and hipec for pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) of appendiceal origin

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Short Paper - Ashish Gupta (UK) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

pdf Cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in 1000 patients with peritoneal malignancy: safety in numbers

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

One of the Six Best Papers - Sanjeev Dayal (UK) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

pdf Do quality measures in colorectal cancer management benefit patients, physicians or politicians?

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Colorectal Disease Keynote Lecture - Paul Finan (UK) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

pdf Impact of MFOLFOX6 following chemoradiation on tumor response and surgical complications in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer treated with total mesorectal

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Short Paper - Jorge Marcet (USA) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

pdf Home parenteral nutrition in the palliative phase of colorectal cancer? A tool to predict survival length

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Short Paper - Mani Naghibi (UK) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

pdf The effect of resection of the primary tumour for stage IV colorectal cancer on patient survival: a systematic review and meta-analysis

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Short Paper - Cillian Clancy (Ireland) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

pdf Survival of patients with isolated peritoneal carcinomatosis from colorectal cancer: 23 years experience using conventional treatment

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Short Paper - Umar Shariff (UK) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

pdf Indeterminate pulmonary nodules in patients with colorectal cancer

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Short Paper - Jai Sule (Singapore) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

pdf Warm, humidified CO2 reduces peritoneal metastasis following laparoscopy in a colorectal mouse model

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Short Paper - Sandra Carpinteri (Australia) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

video One in three patients require a stoma in cytoreductive surgery for peritoneal malignancy and in half the stoma is permanent: experience with 958 patients

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Oral poster - Stefan Riss at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Pelvic surgery for advanced and recurrent rectal cancer - where is the limit? Selection and staging

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - Paris Tekkis at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Pelvic surgery for advanced and recurrent rectal cancer - where is the limit? Technical aspects (inc. IORT)

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - Torbj

video Pelvic surgery for advanced and recurrent rectal cancer - where is the limit? Quality and outcome

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - Frank Frizelle at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Pelvic surgery for advanced and recurrent rectal cancer - where is the limit? Discussion

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - Paris Tekkis, Torbj

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