ESCP leadThe 2017 audit focussed on left colon, sigmoid, and rectal resections. Overall, data was captured on 5,641 patients at 335 sites across 49 countries. The map below shows the European countries where data was collected; in addition, surgeons in 15 countries outside of Europe also contributed data.

As the 2017 audit captured data for so many different operations and indications, five pre-defined subgroup analyses were conducted, focusing on:

  • Bowel preparation
  • Transanal total mesorectal excision
  • Emergency left sided colorectal resections
  • Pathological complete response following neoadjuvant long-course chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer
  • Safety profile of laparoscopic conversion

These five papers were first presented at the International Trial Results Forum at ESCP’s 2018 annual meeting in Nice. The papers have now been published in a special edition of Colorectal Disease. All 2017 collaborators have been listed as PubMed-citable co-authors on these five papers.

As we know that many collaborators are keen to locally feedback the audit’s results to their colleagues, we have prepared a template presentation (available from the download at the bottom of this page). This has slots to insert local results, which are bench marked against international data.

You can register here for updates on future ESCP cohort studies and audits.

2017 cohort study patient spread


ESCP Affiliates