
Folder Complications


video Are mortality outlier institutions globally poor performers in colorectal cancer surgery?

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Free Paper - Alex M Almoudaris at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video Minimal access colorectal surgery is associated with fewer subsequent adhesion-related admissions and operations than the conventional approach

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Free Paper - Elaine M Burns at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video Defunctioning stoma and leak rate after total mesorectal excision with colo-anal anastomosis in the context of a national project

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Free paper - Freddy Penninckx at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video A score for predicting surgical site infection after colorectal surgery

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Free Paper - Pascal Gervaz at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video Higher frequency of anastomotic leakage in stapled compared to hand-sewn ileocolic anastomoses in a large population-based study

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Free paper - Pia Jestin at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video Female fertility after laparoscopic pouch surgery

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Free Paper - Sanne Bartels at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video Patients on ERAS following colorectal resection have a reduced length of stay, without increased readmissions, re-operations or complications rates

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Oral poster - Katie Adams at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video Intraoperative complications of laparoscopic colorectal resections: did we get better?

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One of the Six Best Papers - Dieter Hahnloser at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video Electroacupuncture for postoperative ileus after laparoscopic colorectal surgery: a randomized sham-controlled study

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One of the Six Best Papers - Simon Ng at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video The use of biological materials in contaminated fields

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Covidien Satellite Symposium - Pasquale Giordano at ESCP Sorrento 2010

video Emergency colorectal surgery in the elderly: do patients benefit?

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Oral poster - Ravikrishna Mamidanna at ESCP Sorrento 2010

video Intraoperative complications in laparoscopic colorectal resections

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Video surgery - Francesco Corcione at ESCP Sorrento 2010

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