Perianal Skin Conditions

Folder Perianal Skin Conditions


video Atypical colitis, proctology and anal neoplasia: Acute infectious proctitis / Atypical anorectal ulceration

By In Perianal Skin Conditions

Symposium - Michel Adamina (Switzerland) at ESCP Vienna 2019

video Core Subject Update: The itchy bottom, avoiding scratching the itch

By In Perianal Skin Conditions

Education session - Kapil Sahnan (UK) at ESCP Thessaloniki 2024

video Perianal hidradenitis excision: flaps

By In Perianal Skin Conditions

Trainee video session - Dorian Krsul (Croatia) at ESCP Thessaloniki 2024

document Perianal Skin Conditions (Chapter 7, European Manual of Medicine: Coloproctology Second Edition)

By In Perianal Skin Conditions

Perianal skin conditions are common. They are best managed by a proctologist in conjunction with a dermatologist. This brief review covers common perianal skin conditions and suggests management options in an evidence-based manner. Perianal dermatitis is the most common perianal skin condition. Up to one-third of patients with perianal dermatitis have a relevant contact allergy. It is recommended that all patients with this condition undergo cutaneous allergy testing. Dietary manipulation as part of management does not seem to have any evidence base, unless skin maceration is thought to be to the result of diarrhea, in which case stool thickeners may be of some benefit. Lower bowel endoscopy is important in perianal dermatitis to assess for internal hemorrhoids or neoplastic disease as a possible contributory factor. Perianal infections, especially those with the human papillomavirus, are also discussed in this chapter.

video Proctology: Perineal skin disorders

By In Perianal Skin Conditions

Symposium - Eva Csatar at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Pruritus ani

By In Perianal Skin Conditions

Trainee Round Table Session - Anandi Schiphorst (Netherlands) at ESCP Nice 2018

video Unusual Anorectal Pathologies: Perianal skin conditions

By In Perianal Skin Conditions

Symposium - Eva Csatar (Hungary) at ESCP Berlin 2017

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