Diverticular Disease

Folder Diverticular Disease



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Global Symposium - Luqman Mazlan (Malaysia) at ESCP Vilnius 2023


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Global Symposium - Dale Vimalachandran (United Kingdom) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video My most challenging case: Robotic Hartmann’s procedure for coexisting colovaginal and colovesical fistulae, with specimen extraction through a natural orifice

By In Diverticular Disease

Video session - Eleanor Rudge (United Kingdom) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video Core subject update: Medical treatment of IBD

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Education session - Ailsa Hart (United Kingdom) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video East of DAMASCUS

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Global symposium - Surendra Mantoo (Singapore) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video My Most Challenging Case: Complicated diverticular disease - fistulas abscesses

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Educational session - Ioannis Papaconstantinou (Greece), Antonios Gklavas (Greece) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video Diverticular disease: SCANDIVII

By In Diverticular Disease

Cohorts and Audits Symposium - Johanna Sigurdardottir (Sweden) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video Diverticular disease: DAMASCUS

By In Diverticular Disease

Cohorts and Audits Symposium - Dale Vimalachandran (UK) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video Core Subject Update: Acute diverticulitis

By In Diverticular Disease

Educational session - Baljit Singh (UK) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video My Most Challenging Case: Emergency Hartman operation

By In Diverticular Disease

Educational session - Mark Potter (UK) and Tine Gregoir, Trainee (UK) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Diverticulitis

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Guideline-based discussion - Eva Angenete (Sweden) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Efficacy and safety of non-antibiotic outpatient treatment in mild acute diverticulitis (the DINAMO-study). A multicentre, randomised, open-label, non-inferiority trial

By In Diverticular Disease

Top abstract 4 - Laura Mora-López (Spain) at ESCP Virtually Vilnius 2020

video Core Subject Update: The new guidelines on Diverticulitis

By In Diverticular Disease

Educational session - Eva Angenete (Sweden) at ESCP Virtually Vilnius 2020

video How to develop guidelines: Lessons learnt from diverticulitis guideline

By In Diverticular Disease

Educational session - Johannes Schultz (Norway) at ESCP Vienna 2019

video Trainee Round Table Session: Acute diverticulitis

By In Diverticular Disease

Educational session - Sebastiano Biondo (Spain) at ESCP Vienna 2019

video Laparoscopic lavage versus primary resection for acute perforated purulent diverticulitis: Long term outcomes from the Scandinavian randomised trial (SCANDIV)

By In Diverticular Disease

One of the Six Best Free Papers - Najia Azhar (Sweden) at ESCP Vienna 2019

video Interactive Trainee Workshop: Diverticulitis - Case 1

By In Diverticular Disease

Educational session - Sebastiano Biondo (Spain) at ESCP Nice 2018

video Interactive Trainee Workshop: Diverticulitis - Case 2

By In Diverticular Disease

Educational session - Sebastiano Biondo (Spain) at ESCP Nice 2018


By In Diverticular Disease

New Trials Forum - Dale Vimalachandran (UK) at ESCP Nice 2018

video Core Subject Update: Management of acute diverticulitis

By In Diverticular Disease

Educational session - Marja A Boermeester (The Netherlands) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Interactive Trainee Workshop: Diverticulitis

By In Diverticular Disease

Educational session - Goran Barisic (Serbia) at ESCP Berlin 2017

document Diverticular Disease (Chapter 17, European Manual of Medicine: Coloproctology Second Edition) Popular

By In Diverticular Disease

Colonic diverticulosis is among the most common diseases in developed Western countries, and its incidence is increasing as the average age of the population increases. Its etiology remains largely unknown. It is assumed that intestinal innervation disorders and structural alterations of the musculature induce abnormal contractile patterns with increased intraluminal pressure, thereby promoting the development of diverticula. The location of diverticula within the colon varies significantly among different regions of the world. In Western countries, primarily left-sided diverticulosis, particularly involving the sigmoid colon, has been well-described. This is in contrast to findings in Asia, where right-sided diverticulosis dominates. The actual prevalence of diverticulosis is difficult to determine because most individuals are asymptomatic. Acquired diverticular disease of the colon has been estimated to occur in 30 % of the population over the age of 45 years; 10–25 % of these individuals develop symptomatic diverticulitis. The clinical spectrum of diverticular disease varies from asymptomatic diverticulosis to symptomatic disease with potentially fatal complications, such as perforation or bleeding. Acute diverticulitis is treated according to severity. Computed tomography permits the complete evaluation of the location and extent of the inflammatory process, allowing appropriate, adapted clinical management. Treatment recommendations depend on the disease stage and include conservative approaches with observation and dietary modifications, as well as antibiotic treatment, abscess drainage, and surgery. A prerequisite for therapeutic decision making is an exact, comprehensive, and applicable classification of the disease before treatment. Several systems for classifying diverticular disease have been presented, but none of them has yet been universally adopted.

video Diverticulitis: Management of non complicated diverticulitis

By In Diverticular Disease

Symposium - Nikolas Gouvas at ESCP Milan 2016

video Diverticulitis: Management of complicated diverticulitis

By In Diverticular Disease

Symposium - Tom Øresland at ESCP Milan 2016

video Diverticulitis: Indications for elective surgery

By In Diverticular Disease

Symposium - Patricia Roberts at ESCP Milan 2016

video Laparoscopic lavage versus primary resection for acute perforated diverticulitis (SCANDIV): a Scandinavian randomised trial

By In Diverticular Disease

One of the Six Best Free Papers - Johannes K. Schultz at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Current practice of in-hospital management of acute colonic diverticulitis: a nation

By In Diverticular Disease

Free Paper (IBD) - Faes Seraina at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Costs-effectiveness of laparoscopic lavage compared to sigmoidectomy for purulent perforated diverticulitis within the randomised ladies trial

By In Diverticular Disease

Free Paper (Miscellaneous) - Sandra Vennix at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Diverticulitis and the age factor: does age matter?

By In Diverticular Disease

Free Paper (Miscellaneous) - Nir Horesh at ESCP Dublin 2015

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