Rectal Cancer

Folder Rectal Cancer


pdf Validation of the English version of the low anterior resection score (LARS score) in UK rectal cancer patients

By In Rectal Cancer

Short Paper - T Juul (Denmark) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

video Waist to hip ratio better predicts oncological short and long-term outcome after rectal cancer surgery than body mass index

By In Rectal Cancer

Free Paper (Neoplasia) - Daniel Leonard at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Wait and see after complete response: the Dutch strategy

By In Rectal Cancer

Research Focus Symposium: New strategies in early rectal cancer - Gerard Beets at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Wait-and-see policy in clinical complete responders to chemoradiation in rectal cancer: a promising alternative

By In Rectal Cancer

Oral poster - Geerard Beets at ESCP Sorrento 2010

video Watch and wait approach following extended neoadjuvant chemoradiation for distal rectal cancer: are we getting closer to anal cancer management?

By In Rectal Cancer

ASCRS Visiting Fellow Free Paper - Angelita Habr-Gama at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Watch and Wait for Rectal Cancer: How to increase complete response rates?

By In Rectal Cancer

Symposium - Rob Glynne-Jones (UK) at ESCP Nice 2018

video Watch and Wait for Rectal Cancer: Planned strategy or unexpected surprise?

By In Rectal Cancer

Symposium - Nuno Figueiredo (Portugal) at ESCP Nice 2018

video Watch and Wait for Rectal Cancer: Strategies for and outcomes of salvage surgery

By In Rectal Cancer

Symposium - Andrew Renehan (UK) at ESCP Nice 2018

video What is a safe distal resection margin in rectal cancer?

By In Rectal Cancer

Free Paper - Tor Eivind Bernstein at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video What to do with a T2 Rectal Cancer? CRT - wait and watch?

By In Rectal Cancer

Symposium - Geerard Beets (Netherlands) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video What to do with a T2 Rectal Cancer? CRT followed by local excision?

By In Rectal Cancer

Symposium - Julio Garcia Aguilar (USA) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video What to do with a T2 Rectal Cancer? Introduction

By In Rectal Cancer

Symposium - Simon Bach (UK) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video What to do with a T2 Rectal Cancer? Panel debate

By In Rectal Cancer

Symposium chaired by Simon Bach (UK) and Eric Rullier (France)

video What to do with a T2 Rectal Cancer? Surgery alone - still the standard?

By In Rectal Cancer

Symposium - Ivan Dimitrijević (Serbia) at ESCP Berlin 2017

audio What’s next for taTME?

By In Rectal Cancer

As part of taTME month, ESCP were delighted to hear from Manish Chand, University College London, on the outlook for taTME. 

Content in this presentation has kindly been contributed by AIS and should not be reproduced without prior consent from AIS. If you have any questions about this presentation, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please note: file download is for personal use only. 

video Will all rectal cancer care be centralised? Prepare, fail, or ...?

By In Rectal Cancer

Keynote Lecture - Tomas Poskus (Lithuania) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

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