Search Library


video The management of obstructing carcinoma of the left colon

By In Colonic and Rectal Obstruction

Core subject update - Ilia Pinsk at ESCP Vienna 2012

video The mesentery in IBD

By In Crohn's Disease

ESCP/ECCO joint symposium - Willem Bemelman (The Netherlands) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video The modern colorectal surgeon: Advanced colorectal surgery: robotic platforms

By In Varia

Guglielmo Niccolò Piozzi (Italy) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video The modern colorectal surgeon: Advanced travelling fellowship experience: what do we take home

By In Varia

Konstantinos Tsimogiannis (Greece) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video The Modern Colorectal Surgeon: Current applications of AI in the operating room

By In Varia

Scientific session - Freek Daams (The Netherlands) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video The Modern Colorectal Surgeon: Fluorescence guided surgery and AI

By In Varia

Scientific session - Ronan Cahill (Ireland) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video The modern colorectal surgeon: Home monitoring after colorectal surgery for a safe early discharge

By In Periop Management

Cettela Slootmans (The Netherlands) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video The modern colorectal surgeon: Metaverse for colorectal surgeons

By In Varia

Jordan Tsigarides (United Kingdom) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video The modern colorectal surgeon: Positive healthcare effects of a novel digital leakage notification system for ostomy care to patient QOL and disease burden

By In Stomas and Stomatherapy

Peter Ambe (Germany) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video The Modern Colorectal Surgeon: Simulators in robotics

By In Varia

Scientific session - Wanda Luisa Petz (Italy) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video The Modern Colorectal Surgeon: Teleproctering

By In Varia

Scientific session - Jasper Stijns (Belgium) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video The new development of fluorescent leak test method for rectal anastomoses using aerosolized indocyanine green

By In Rectal Cancer

International Travelling Fellow - Akihiro Kondo (Japan) at ESCP Thessaloniki 2024

video The new era of social media and digital health : Colorectal surgery in social media: the public's perspective

By In Varia

Helen Canning (UK) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video The new era of social media and digital health : Digital health: Current status and future perspectives

By In Varia

Julio Mayol (Spain) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video The new era of social media and digital health: Digital platforms and innovations for surgical research and education

By In Varia

Alaa El-Hussuna (Denmark) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video The new era of social media and digital health: Impact of social media on scientific journals: new standard or fad?

By In Varia

Deborah Keller (USA) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video The Nordic Rectal Prolapse Study - a multicenter international cohort study

By In Rectal Prolapse

New trials forum - Andreea Bach-Nielsen (Denmark) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video The NORWAIT Trial

By In Rectal Cancer

New Trials Forum - Hartwig Kroner (Norway) at ESCP Nice 2018

video The number of lymph nodes assessed in right sided hemicolectomy depends on the quality of surgery

By In Colon Cancer

Free paper - Fredrik Brännström at ESCP Sorrento 2010

video The other robots - disruptive technology near market entry

By In Varia

ESCP/EAES Symposium - Alberto Arezzo (Italy) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video The rectal cancer female sexuality score: development and validation of a scoring system for female sexual function after rectal cancer surgery

By In Rectal Cancer

One of the Six Best Free Papers - Anne Thyø (Denmark) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video The rectal mucosal paracellular permeability: a biomarker of sacral neuromodulation efficacy in incontinent patients

By In Fecal Incontinence

Oral Poster (Functional) - Guillaume Meurette at ESCP Dublin 2015

pdf The role of BORIS (brother of the regulator of the imprinted site) as a biomarker for colorectal cancer in leukocytes

By In Colon Cancer

Short Paper - Nikhil Pawa (UK) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

video The role of epithelial mesenchymal transition and resistance to neoadjuvant therapy in locally advanced rectal cancer

By In Rectal Cancer

Oral poster - Aneel Bhangu at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video The role of GRADE

By In Basic research

Guidelines update - Stefanos Bonovas (Greece) at ESCP Thessaloniki 2024

video The role of primary tumor resection in colorectal cancer patients with asymptomatic, synchronous unresectable metastasis: a multicenter, randomized controlled trial

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

KSCP Visiting Fellow Free Paper - Eun Jung Park at ESCP Berlin 2017

pdf The Schubert-Martin centre, a vision for a mission!

By In Education, Training, Science writing

Dukes' Club session - Amir Morgan (UK) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

video The Spanish rectal cancer project: early outcomes

By In Rectal Cancer

Free paper - Eloy Espin at ESCP Vienna 2012

video The Stockholm III Trial on different radiotherapy regimens and timing to surgery in patients with rectal cancer: long term follow up

By In Rectal Cancer

Free Paper (Neoplasia) - Johan Erlandsson at ESCP Dublin 2015

Affiliate Societies