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video Controversies in New Technology: Robotics in Colorectal Surgery: Contra robotic in colorectal surgery

By In Rectal Cancer

Educational session - Steven Wexner at ESCP Milan 2016

video Controversies in Crohn's disease management: New surgical techniques for Crohn's

By In Crohn's Disease

Symposium (in collaboration with s-ECCO) - Willem Bemelman and André D’Hoore at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Controversies in Crohn's disease management: New surgical approaches in Crohn's anal and rectovaginal fistulas

By In Crohn's Disease

Symposium (in collaboration with s-ECCO) - Omar Faiz at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Controversies in Crohn's disease management: Medical therapy after 'curative' ileocaecal resection: what’s new?

By In Crohn's Disease

Symposium (in collaboration with s-ECCO) - Gert Van Assche at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Controversies in Colorectal Cancer Surgery: What is new in hereditary cancer predisposition?

By In Genetics

Toni Seppälä (Finland) at ESCP Thessaloniki 2024

video Controversies in Colorectal Cancer Surgery: TTSS: transanal transection and single staple for anastomosis

By In Rectal Cancer

Antonino Spinelli (Italy) at ESCP Thessaloniki 2024

video Controversies in Colorectal Cancer Surgery: Support tools for cancer patients

By In Periop Management

Claire Taylor (UK) at ESCP Thessaloniki 2024

video Controversies in Colorectal Cancer Surgery: QoL: definitive colostomy versus low anastomosis

By In Rectal Cancer

Artemis Liapi (Greece) at ESCP Thessaloniki 2024

video Controversies in Colorectal Cancer Surgery: Palliative and compromised resections: what are the indications (with case examples)

By In Rectal Cancer

Sharaf Perdawood (Denmark) at ESCP Thessaloniki 2024

video Controversies in Colorectal Cancer Surgery: Chronic pelvic sepsis: prevention and management

By In Rectal Cancer

Patricia Sylla (USA) at ESCP Thessaloniki 2024

video CONTICARE Randomized Controlled Trial: Impact of pelvic floor prehabilitation using biofeedback therapy on the severity of low anterior resection syndrome following total mesorectal excision

By In Rectal Cancer

New Trials Forum: Proposal - Emilie Duchalais (France) at ESCP Vienna 2019

video Contemporary management of Crohn's disease - an update from the ECCO guidelines

By In Crohn's Disease

ESCP/ECCO Symposium - Michel Adamina (Switzerland) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Consultants’ Corner

By In Education, Training, Science writing

Facilitated by Jared Torkington (UK) and Des Winter (Ireland) at ESCP Berlin 2017

Panel: Per Nilsson (Sweden), Guy R Orangio (USA), Yann Parc (France), Thomas Schiedeck (Germany), Des Winter (Ireland)

pdf Consultants' Corner

By In Abdominal Wall Reconstruction

Convenor - Robin Phillips (UK) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

video Consultants' Corner

By In Varia

Session - Najib Haboubi, Stefan Post, Michael J Stamos, Adam Dziki, Frank Frizelle, Sebastiano Biondo, Giovanni Romano, Evgeny Rybakov at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Consultants' Corner

By In Varia

Najib Haboubi, Sarah O'Dwyer and Mike Parker at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Consultants' Corner

By In Varia

Steven Wexner, Rodrigo Perez, Dieter Hahnloser, Giovanni Romano, Søren Laurberg and Fumio Konishi at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video Consultants' Corner

By In Varia

Facilitated by Sebastian Biondo and Søren Laurberg at ESCP Barcelona 2014

Panel: Sergey Achkaso, Stanley Goldberg, Terry Hicks, Charles Knowles, Thomas Schiedeck

video Consultants' Corner

By In Varia

Panel: Adam Dziki (Poland), Peter Christensen (Denmark), Anna Lepistö (Finland), David A. Margolin (USA), Per Nilsson (Sweden), Jurriann Tuynman (The Netherlands)

ESCP Nice 2018

video Consultants' Corner

By In Education, Training, Science writing

Facilitated by Tom Øresland and Emmanuel Tiret at ESCP Dublin 2015

Panel: Sergey Achkasov, Koutarou Maeda, Gabriella Möslein, Béla Teleky, Claudio Wainstein, Steven Wexner, Evaghelos Xynos

video Consultants' Corner

By In Varia

Facilitators: Des Winter (Ireland), Jared Torkington (UK)

Panel: Tracy Hull (USA), Jérémie Lefevre (France), Per Nilsson (Sweden), Beatriz Martin-Perez (Spain), Ann Hanly (Ireland), Anna Lepistö (Finland) at ESCP Vienna 2019

video Consultant versus trainee-led outcomes in colorectal resection: a systematic review and meta analysis

By In Education, Training, Science writing

Oral poster - Michael Kelly at ESCP Belgrade 2013

document Constipation (Chapter 10, European Manual of Medicine: Coloproctology Second Edition) Popular

By In Constipation

Although constipation is no longer treated primarily with surgery, surgeons continue to regularly see patients with constipation in ward and ambulatory settings. It is therefore critical to have a practical approach with respect to diagnosis, investigation, and management. Further, recent pharmacological and surgical advances are giving new hope to some patients with disabling chronic symptoms. This chapter gives an overview of constipation in general and then focuses on the more surgically relevant problem of chronic constipation. The chapter deliberately excludes a detailed discussion of defecation disorders (covered in Chap. 11), although this distinction is actually relevant only when specific surgery is considered.

video Consolidation mFOLFOX6 chemotherapy after chemoradiotherapy improves survival in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer

By In Rectal Cancer

ASCRS Visiting Fellow Free Paper - Michael Marco (USA) at ESCP Nice 2018

video Consensus statement on the management of patients with primary rectal cancer beyond total mesorectal excision planes and recurrent rectal cancer

By In Rectal Cancer

Free paper - Aneel Bhangu at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Concomitant chemoradiotherapy with local hyperthermia and metronidazole for locally advanced fixed rectal cancer: 3-year follow-up of a phase II study

By In Rectal Cancer

Oral poster - Sergey Gordeyev at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Complication management and prevention: To drain or not to drain: does it reduce complications in pelvic surgery

By In Periop Management

Education session - Patricia Tejedor (Spain) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video Complication management and prevention: Prehabilitation: how does it prevent complications

By In Periop Management

Education session - Akash Mehta (United Kingdom) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video Complication Management and Prevention: Misfired staplers

By In Complications

Education session - Samuel Adegbola (UK) at ESCP Thessaloniki 2024

video Complication Management and Prevention: Major pelvic bleeding

By In Complications

Education session - Haytham Sumrien (UK) at ESCP Thessaloniki 2024

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