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video Proctology: Novel approaches for treatment of anal fistula (LIFT, stem cells, new plugs?)

By In Anorectal Abscess and Fistula

Symposium - Dimitri Christoforidis at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Fistulectomy and primary sphincter reconstruction

By In Anorectal Abscess and Fistula

Video surgery - Alexander Herold at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Outcome of sacral nerve stimulation for faecal incontinence at five-year

By In Fecal Incontinence

Free paper - Yasuko Maeda at ESCP Vienna 2012

video SNS - time for critical appraisal

By In Fecal Incontinence

Keynote lecture - Klaus Matzel at ESCP Vienna 2012

video New technology: Artificial anal sphincter

By In Fecal Incontinence

Symposium - Paul-Antoine Lehur at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Frontier between colorectal and gynaecological surgery: is it time for pelvic surgeons?

By In Defaecation Disorders

Keynote lecture - Koutarou Maeda at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Pelvic floor disorders: Obstructed defaecation syndrome (Diagnosis, STARR, alternative to STARR)

By In Defaecation Disorders

Symposium - Donato Altomare at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Pelvic floor disorders: Imaging in functional pelvic floor disorders

By In Defaecation Disorders

Symposium - Steen Buntzen at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy: the treatment of choice for the resolution of solitary rectal ulcer syndrome

By In Rectal Prolapse

Free paper - Thomas Roe at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Comparative study of biologic and non-absorbable mesh in laparoscopic ventral rectopexy

By In Rectal Prolapse

Oral poster - Andrew Stevenson at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Abdominal rectopexy for pelvic organ prolapse in France. Epidemiological data and perioperative outcome from a nationwide healthcare database

By In Rectal Prolapse

One of the Six Best Papers - Guillaume Meurette at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Pelvic floor disorders: Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy for rectal prolapse syndromes, long-term outcome

By In Rectal Prolapse

Symposium - Andre D'Hoore at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Diverticular disease emergency surgery in NHS Scotland 2000 to 2010

By In Diverticular Disease

Free paper - Hugh Paterson at ESCP Vienna 2012

video The financial impact of patient re-admissions with diverticulitis, a 5 year experience of a UK hospital

By In Diverticular Disease

Free paper - Qamar Iqbal at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Ambulatory treatment versus hospitalisation for uncomplicated diverticulitis

By In Diverticular Disease

Free paper - Thomas Golda at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Natural history of sigmoid diverticulitis

By In Diverticular Disease

Keynote lecture by Pascal Gervaz at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Corticosteroids, indometacin and aspirine and colonic diverticular disease in women - a prospective cohort study

By In Diverticular Disease

One of the Six Best Papers - Fredrik Hjern at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Staging: Why should we stick to Version 5 and not 6 & 7 of TNM classification?

By In Tumour Classification

Symposium - Najib Haboubi at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Staging: Staging value and historical overview

By In Tumour Classification

Symposium - Pierre Chapuis at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Mismatch repair deficiency screening via immunohistochemistry staining in young Asian colorectal cancers

By In Genetics

Oral poster - Min Hoe Chew at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Treatment of familial adenomatous polyposis based on results of genetic studies

By In Genetics

Oral poster - Yuri Chubarov at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Colorectal cancer screening - now and how

By In Colon Cancer

ASCRS Keynote lecture - Alan Thorson at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Extended right-sided hemicolectomy was associated with an increased postoperative 30 day mortality - a population study

By In Colon Cancer

Free paper - Fredrik Olofsson at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Survival difference between the right and left colon cancer

By In Colon Cancer

Free paper - Konosuke Moritani at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Metastatic CRC - what about the primary?

By In Colon Cancer

Keynote lecture - Irinel Popescu at ESCP Vienna 2012

video A meta analysis of risk factors for survival after lung metastasectomy in colorectal cancer patients

By In Colon Cancer

Oral poster - Pascal Gervaz at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Identification of histopathologic indicators of oncologic bowel resection for submucosally invasive colorectal cancer

By In Colon Cancer

Oral poster - Shingo Tsujinaka at ESCP Vienna 2012

video Long term follow-up of a randomized trial comparing laparoscopic with open colon resection within a fast track program (LAFA study)

By In Colon Cancer

Oral poster - Sanne Bartels at ESCP Vienna 2012

video High frequency of adenocarcinoma in large rectal adenomas: preoperative staging is required

By In Colon Cancer

Oral poster - Xavier Serra-Aracil at ESCP Vienna 2012

ESCP Affiliates