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video Benign Chronical Abdominal Diseases for the Colorectal Surgeon: IBS

By In Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Symposium - Ivan Jovanovic (Serbia) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Benign Chronical Abdominal Diseases for the Colorectal Surgeon: Surgery for slow transit constipation

By In Constipation

Symposium - Sergey Achkasov (Russia) at ESCP Berlin 2017

document Benign Tumours (Chapter 22, European Manual of Medicine: Coloproctology Second Edition)

By In Benign Tumours

This chapter gives a short and understandable overview of benign colon tumors. Benign tumors can be separated roughly into two major groups, namely, epithelial and mesenchymal lesions. These two groups can be separated in multiple subgroups that are explained in detail within the chapter.

Polyp is a well-known term mostly connected with tumours of the colon. A polyps can be defined as a small clump of cells that form on the lining of the colon. Polyps show a certain diversity and hence can be classified by aspect, origin (cell type), and malignant potency. Therapy and follow-up can be planned based on these aspects.

video Best Publications of the Year

By In Varia

ESCP Dublin 2022

  • IBD, proctology and functional - Niels Qvist (Denmark)
  • Cancer, diverticulitis and benign disease - Dragomir Dardanov (Bulgaria)

video Best Publications of the Year: Colon cancer, functional disease

By In Varia

Educational session - Edgar Furnee (The Netherlands) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Best Publications of the Year: Colon cancer, IBD, diverticulitis

By In Colon Cancer

Educational session - Stefan Post at ESCP Milan 2016

video Best Publications of the Year: Colorectal cancer, benign and functional

By In Varia

Educational session - Yasuko Maeda (UK) at ESCP Vienna 2019

video Best Publications of the Year: IBD and proctology

By In Varia

Educational session - Oddeke van Ruler (The Netherlands) at ESCP Vienna 2019

video Best Publications of the Year: Rectal cancer, IBD, benign disease

By In Varia

Educational session - Emmanuel Tiret (France) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Best Publications of the Year: Rectal cancer, proctology

By In Rectal Cancer

Educational session - Jarno Melenhorst at ESCP Milan 2016

video Better surgical care - a global challenge: Designing trials for the global challenge

By In Basic research

Symposium - Aneel Bhangu (UK) at ESCP Vienna 2019

video Better surgical care - a global challenge: Developments in the global trials, the impact of the Lancet commission

By In Basic research

Symposium - Martin Smith (South Africa) at ESCP Vienna 2019

video Better surgical care - a global challenge: Panel discussion

By In Basic research

Symposium - Chaired by Dion Morton (UK) at ESCP Vienna 2019

video Better surgical care - a global challenge: The Ghana experience

By In Basic research

Symposium - Stephen Tabiri (Ghana) at ESCP Vienna 2019

video Better surgical care - a global challenge: The Hong Kong experience

By In Basic research

Symposium - Simon Ng (Hong Kong) at ESCP Vienna 2019

video Better surgical care - a global challenge: The Mexican experience

By In Basic research

Symposium - Antonio Ramos De la Medina (Mexico) at ESCP Vienna 2019

video Big data in surgical practice - the new gold standard?

By In Varia

Keynote Lecture -  Johan Askling (Sweden) at ESCP Nice 2018

video Bilateral sacral nerve stimulation for idiopathic faecal incontinence - results of a randomised single blind cross-over-study

By In Fecal Incontinence

Free paper - Jakob Duelund-Jakobsen at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Biofeedback - a simple and effective way of managing rectal evacuatory dysfunction secondary to pelvic floor dyssynergia and rectal hyposensitivity

By In Defaecation Disorders

Free paper - Craig Rimmer at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Biologic treatment or immunomodulation had no influence on anastomotic complications after surgery in Crohn's disease

By In Crohn's Disease

Oral poster - Alaa El-Hussuna at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video Biology of Colorectal Cancer: Anastomotic leak and colorectal cancer recurrence - does infection change tumour biology?

By In Genetics

Scientific session - Miguel Pera (Spain) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video Biology of Colorectal Cancer: Colorectal cancer in young adults - emerging biology and management priorities

By In Genetics

Scientific session - Gabriela Möslein (Germany) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video Biology of colorectal cancer: ctDNA: a guide for management in neo-adjuvant, adjuvant and follow-up settings

By In Genetics

Tenna Vesterman Henriksen (Denmark) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video Biology of Colorectal Cancer: Liquid biopsy in CRC - current status and potential clinical applications

By In Genetics

Scientific session - Gregor Norcic (Slovenia) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video Biology of colorectal cancer: Liver oligometastatic disease: a curable condition

By In Genetics

John Conneely (Ireland) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video Bioprosthetic mesh for the prevention of incisional hernia during ileostomy closure in rectal cancer patients: a first case-control study

By In Stomas and Stomatherapy

Oral poster - David Moszkowicz at ESCP Belgrade 2013

pdf Biosensor technology for early detection of anastomotic leak and intra-abdominal sepsis after gastro-intestinal surgery

By In Intestinal Failure

Short Paper - Natalie Hirst (UK) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

video Bowel dysfunction after laparoscopic rectal cancer resection in patients with anastomotic leakage: a case-matched study of 147 patients

By In Rectal Cancer

Oral Poster (Proctology and Functional) - Elisabeth Hain at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Bowel dysfunction after low anterior resection with and without neoadjuvant therapy for rectal cancer

By In Rectal Cancer

Free paper - Sidse Bregendahl at ESCP Vienna 2012

ESCP Affiliates