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video Update on Guidelines for PJS (Peutz-Jeghers-Syndrome)

By In Genetics

ESCP/EHTG Symposium - Anna Lepistö (Finland) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Update on Guidelines for FAP (Familial adenomatous polyposis)

By In Genetics

ESCP/EHTG Symposium - Gloria Zaffaroni (Italy) at ESCP Barcelona 2021

video Update on Crohn's Disease: Surgical management of severe colorectal Crohn's disease

By In Crohn's Disease

Symposium - Gianluca Sampietro at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Update on Crohn's Disease: Surgery for recurrent Crohn's disease

By In Crohn's Disease

Symposium - Neil Mortensen at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Update on Crohn's Disease: Can medical treatment change the natural course of Crohn's disease?

By In Crohn's Disease

Symposium - Dino Tarabar at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Update of New Guidelines: Social media guideline

By In Varia

Guideline session - Rosa Jimènez-Rodrìguez (Spain) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video Update of New Guidelines: FAP guideline

By In Genetics

Guideline session - Gloria Zaffaroni (Italy) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video Update of New Guidelines: Colorectal robotic training

By In Varia

Guideline session - Stephanie Au (UK), Frances Dixon (UK) at ESCP Dublin 2022

video Unusual Anorectal Pathologies: Surgical investigation and management of pre-sacral pathology

By In Retrorectal Tumours

Symposium - Jérémie Lefevre (France) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Unusual Anorectal Pathologies: Perianal skin conditions

By In Perianal Skin Conditions

Symposium - Eva Csatar (Hungary) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Unusual Anorectal Pathologies: Management of intra-mural rectal lesions (NET and GIST)

By In Benign Tumours

Symposium - Peter Sagar (UK) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Understanding anastomotic leak: artificial intelligence: Challenges in research about anastomtic leak

By In Varia

Research methodology session - Dragomir Dardanov (Bulgaria) at ESCP Vilnius 2023

video Ultrasound of posterior compartment disorders

By In Anatomy

Anorectal and Pelvic Ultrasound Course - Pawel Wieczorek at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Ultrasound of anterior compartment disorders

By In Anatomy

Anorectal and Pelvic Ultrasound Course - Pawel Wieczorek at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Ultrasound in preoperative staging of rectal cancer

By In Rectal Cancer

Anorectal and Pelvic Ultrasound Course - Anders Mellgren at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Ultrasound evaluation of fistula and abscess

By In Anal Fissure

Anorectal and Pelvic Ultrasound Course - Carlo Ratto at ESCP Barcelona 2014

video Ulcerative colitis: Update on pathogenesis and medical treatment

By In Ulcerative Colitis

Symposium - Glen Doherty at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Ulcerative colitis: Timing of surgery

By In Ulcerative Colitis

Symposium - Goran Barisic at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Ulcerative Colitis: Tailored minimal invasive surgery for UC: how and by whom?

By In Ulcerative Colitis

ESCP/ECCO Symposium - Yves Panis (France) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Ulcerative Colitis: Multidisciplinary decision making for colectomy: the difficult patient

By In Ulcerative Colitis

ESCP/ECCO Symposium - Willem Bemelman (The Netherlands) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Ulcerative colitis: Long-term morbidity and functional outcome

By In Ulcerative Colitis

Symposium - Steven Wexner at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Ulcerative Colitis: Impact of antibody therapy on surgical outcomes in IBD

By In Ulcerative Colitis

ESCP/ECCO Symposium - Krisztina Gecse (Hungary) and Jérémie Lefevre (France) at ESCP Nice 2018

video Ulcerative Colitis: Cycling, switching and swapping with drugs, what does it mean to the patient? Impact on the surgical patient

By In Ulcerative Colitis

ESCP/ECCO Symposium - Krisztina Gecse (The Netherlands) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Ulcerative Colitis: Centralisation of IBD care: why and how?

By In Ulcerative Colitis

ESCP/ECCO Symposium - Omar Faiz (UK) at ESCP Nice 2018

video Ulcerative Colitis: Can surgeons influence Crohn's disease recurrence?

By In Crohn's Disease

ESCP/ECCO Symposium - Andre D'Hoore (Belgium) at ESCP Nice 2018

video UK National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme: asymptomatic screening or 'straight to test' for symptomatic patients?

By In Colon Cancer

Oral poster - Jamie Murphy at ESCP Copenhagen 2011

video UEMS and EBSQ: what are they all about? Popular

By In Free Access

Educational session - Klaus Matzel at ESCP Milan 2016

pdf Turning coals into tulips and much more

By In Education, Training, Science writing

Dukes' Club session - Peter Coyne (UK) at Tripartite Colorectal Meeting 2014

video Tumour regression and pathological outcome in the randomised Stockholm III Trial of different radiotherapy regimens in rectal cancer

By In Rectal Cancer

One of the Six Best Papers - David Pettersson at ESCP Vienna 2012

Affiliate Societies