On 4 Apr 2024

Below are suggested reading and educational material on fecal incontinence, selected for trainees. Prospective cohort study of high-volume transanal irrigation in patients with constipation and/or faecal incontinence (2023) Long-term cost-effectiveness analysis of sacral neuromodulation in the treatment of severe faecal incontinence (2023) Adynamic graciloplasty for treatment of faecal incontinence - a video vignette (2022) Application of nanofat for treatment of traumatic faecal incontinence after sphincteroplasty - a pilot study (2022) Interprofessional perspectives on care for patients with low anterior resection syndrome: a qualitative study (2022) X-ray video defaecography is superior to magnetic resonance defaecography in the imaging of defaecation disorders (2022) Is sacral nerve modulation reprogramming effective after permanent implantation for faecal incontinence? (2022) The anorectal defaecation reflex: a prospective intervention study (2022) Clinical and functional outcome of surgery for posttraumatic cloacal deformity (2021) A prospective trial of the THD SphinKeeper® for faecal incontinence (2021) Sequential assessment of bowel function and anorectal physiology after anterior resection for cancer: a prospective cohort study (2021) Urinary symptoms in women with faecal incontinence (2021) A comparison of faecal incontinence scoring systems (2021) Sacral neuromodulation with the InterStim™ system for faecal incontinence: results from a prospective French multicentre observational study (2021) The science behind programming algorithms for sacral neuromodulation (2020) Initial experience with SphinKeeper™ intersphincteric implants for faecal incontinence in the UK: a two-centre retrospective clinical audit (2020) Optimizing sacral neuromodulation for low anterior resection syndrome: learning from our experience (2020) The effect of the number of active electrode poles during tined lead placement on long-term efficacy of sacral neuromodulation in patients with faecal incontinence (2020) Sacral nerve modulation for faecal incontinence: influence of age on outcomes and complications. A multicentre study (2019) Evaluation of anatomical and functional results of overlapping anal sphincter repair with or without the injection of bone marrow aspirate concentrate: a case-control study (2019) Sacral neuromodulation for the treatment of faecal incontinence following proctectomy (2017) A review of sacral nerve stimulation for faecal incontinence following rectal surgery and radiotherapy (2015) Sacral nerve stimulation for faecal incontinence and constipation: a European consensus statement (2015) A systematic review of sacral nerve stimulation for low anterior resection syndrome (2015)

On 4 Apr 2024

Below are suggested reading and educational material on pilonidal disease, selected for trainees. An international survey exploring the management of pilonidal disease (2023) Cleft closure (the Bascom cleft lift) for 714 patients - treatment of choice for complex and recurrent pilonidal disease (a cohort study) (2023) A survey of treatment preferences of UK surgeons in the treatment of pilonidal sinus disease (2023) Patient preferences for pilonidal sinus treatments: a discrete choice experiment survey (2023) The ‘combined’ biopsy punch excision to treat pilonidal disease - a video vignette (2023) Modified Karydakis procedure for sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease under local anaesthesia - a video vignette (2023) Bascom's cleft lift procedure for pilonidal sinus disease - a video vignette (2023) Endoscopic sinusectomy: 'a rose by any other name'. A systematic review of different endoscopic procedures to treat pilonidal disease (2022) Long-term outcome after Bascom's pit-pick procedure for pilonidal sinus disease: a cohort study (2022) Long-term outcome after Bascom's cleft-lift procedure under tumescent local analgesia for pilonidal sinus disease: a cohort study (2022) Sinus laser therapy - a video vignette (2022) Pilonidal disease. Three flap procedures every colorectal surgeon should know - a video vignette (2021) SMILE technique for pilonidal sinus destruction with a radial laser probe - a video vignette (2021) Sinus laser therapy versus sinus lay open in the management of sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease (2021) Squamous cell carcinoma related to chronic sacroccocygeal sinus. Radical excision and reconstruction with a SGAP flap – a video vignette (>2021) Negative pressure wound therapy following excision of pilonidal sinus disease: A retrospective review (2021) Limberg flap for pilonidal sinus disease: a video vignette (2020) Use of keystone advance flap for pilonidal disease: a video vignette (2020) Video-assisted ablation of pilonidal sinus: a video vignette (2020) Long-term results of endoscopic pilonidal sinus treatment vs Limberg flap for treatment of difficult cases of complicated pilonidal disease: a prospective, nonrandomized study (2019) A new minimally invasive treatment of pilonidal sinus disease with the use of a diode laser: a prospective large series of patients (2018) Endoscopic pilonidal sinus treatment: a prospective multicentre trial (2016) Investigation of the relationship between serum hormones and pilonidal sinus disease: a cross-sectional study (2014) Modification of the Bascom cleft lift procedure for chronic pilonidal sinus: results in 141 patients (2013)

On 4 Apr 2024

Below are suggested reading and educational material on anorectal abscess and fistula, selected for trainees. Long term results of video-assisted anal fistula treatment for complex anal fistula: another shattered dream? (2023) An analysis of randomized controlled trials on anal fistula conducted between 2000 and 2020 based on the Fragility Index and Reverse Fragility Index (2023) Ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract: a video vignette (2023) Description of a new ultrasound sign to distinguish Crohn's anal fistula from cryptoglandular fistula: the rosary sign (2023) Full-thickness rectal advancement flap for complex fistula-in-ano using indocyanine green fluorescence (2023) Three-dimensional modelling as a novel interactive tool for preoperative planning for complex perianal fistulas in Crohn's disease (2023)  Autological platelet-rich fibrin sealant for anterior horseshoe anal fistula in female patient: a video vignette (2023) Cohort study of fistulotomy with external tract fistulectomy and primary sphincter reconstruction in high trans-sphincteric fistula-in-ano (2023) Improved fistula plug outcome depends on the type of plug: a single-centre retrospective study (2023) Development of a core descriptor set for Crohn's anal fistula (2022) Gracilis muscle interposition for complex perineal fistulas: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature (2022) ‘Optimum’ strategy and outcome in Crohn's anal fistula (2022) Treatment of horseshoe fistula with a two-stage modified Hanley procedure: a video vignette (2022) Subcutaneous incision of the fistula tract and internal sphincterotomy (SIFT-IS): a novel surgical procedure for transsphincteric anal fistula (2022) The pathogenesis of cryptoglandular anal fistula: New insight into the immunological profile (2022) Subcutaneous incision of the fistula tract and internal sphincterotomy: a novel surgical procedure for transsphincteric anal fistula (2022) Clinicopathological determinants of recurrence after surgical treatment of fistula-in-ano in a Ghanaian teaching hospital (2022) Marsupialization of fistulotomy wound in an intersphincteric fistula - a video vignette (2022) Injection of mesenchymal stem cells (darvadstrocel) into Crohn's perianal fistula - a video vignette (2022) Clinicopathological determinants of recurrence after surgical treatment of fistula-in-ano in a Ghanaian teaching hospital (2022) Rectovaginal fistula: Risk factors for failure after graciloplasty - a bicentric retrospective European study of 61 patients (2021) Efficacy of Permacol injection for perianal fistulas in a tertiary referral population: poor outcome in patients with complex fistulas (2021) Stem cell therapy for anal fistula treatment - a video vignette (2021) Fistulotomy plus end-to-end primary sphincteroplasty - a video vignette (2021) Role of MRI to confirm healing in complex high cryptoglandular anal fistulas: long-term follow-up of 151 cases (2021) Martius flap for rectovaginal fistula after obstetric injury - a video vignette (2021) The York Mason procedure for rectourethral fistula repair - a video vignette (2021) Is fistulotomy with immediate sphincter reconstruction (FISR) a sphincter preserving procedure for high anal fistula? A systematic review and meta-analysis (2021) Fistula closure by laser - a video vignette (2021) Feasibility and safety of calcium alginate hydrogel sealant for the treatment of cryptoglandular fistula-in-ano: phase I/IIa clinical trial (2021) Rectal advancement flap for complex anal fistula - a video vignette (2021) Transanal opening of the intersphincteric space: a novel sphincter-sparing procedure to treat 325 high complex anal fistulas with long-term follow-up (2021) Combined laparoscopic and transanal minimally invasive repair for postoperative rectovaginal fistula - a video vignette (2020) High failure rates following ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract for transsphincteric anal fistulas: are preoperative MRI measurements of the fistula tract predictive of outcome? (2020) A worldwide survey on proctological practice during COVID-19 lockdown (ProctoLock 2020): a cross-sectional analysis (2020) Factors associated with healing, reoperation and continence disturbance in patients following surgery for fistula-in-ano (2020) Novel SLOFT technique (2020) The intersphincteric tract needs proper management to ensure long-term healing in anal fistula (2020) A prospective evaluation of the outcome of submucosal ligation of fistula tract (2020) Anal fistula laser ablation - a video vignette (2020) Long-term functional and clinical outcomes following transanal advancement flap for complex anal fistula repair: are there predictors of recurrence and incontinence? (2020) Treatment of recurrent anterior transsphincteric fistula with fistula plug - a video vignette (2020) Could FiLaC™ be effective in the treatment of anal fistulas? A systematic review of observational studies and proportional meta-analysis (2020) Endorectal advancement flap for the treatment of a rectovaginal fistula - a video vignette (2020) The LIFT (ligation of the intersphincteric fistula tract) procedure for a transsphincteric posterior anal fistula - a video vignette (2020) Perianal fistula and the ileoanal pouch - different aetiologies require distinct evaluation (2020) Fistulotomy for intersphincteric fistula. A stepwise approach for surgical trainees - a video vignette (2020) Intra-anal fistulotomy with marsupialization for recurrent high intersphincteric fistula - a video vignette (2020) Operative results, sexual function and quality of life after gracilis muscle transposition in complex rectovaginal fistulas (2020) Correspondence: Anovaginal fistula repair with sphincteroplasty and levatorplasty - a video vignette (2019) Correspondence: An ‘easy’ method to understand perianal sepsis - a video vignette (2019) Correspondence: Video‐assisted anal fistula treatment (VAAFT) assisted seton placement - a video vignette (2019) Use of the Martius advancement flap for low rectovaginal fistulas (2019) Anal fistula plug vs rectal advancement flap for the treatment of complex cryptoglandular anal fistulas: a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies with long-term follow-up (2019) Advancement flap procedure in Crohn and non-Crohn perineal fistulas: a simple surgical approach (2019) Operative results, sexual function and quality of life after gracilis muscletransposition in complex rectovaginal fistulas (2019)

On 8 Dec 2023

Below are ESCP conference presentations on rectal cancer, selected for trainees.  You need to be logged in to access these resources. Not a member? Join ESCP here. video Abdominal surgical video: Pelvic phase of robotic TME  (2023) video Abdominal surgical video: Robotic transanal minimally invasive surgery for local excision of rectal neoplasms: a description of the technique  (2023) video My most challenging case: Laparoscopic left lateral pelvic lymph node dissection for rectal neuroendocrine tumor - video vignette  (2023) video Rectal cancer surgery in 2023: Dissection of the low rectum: Laparoscopic  (2023) video Rectal cancer surgery in 2023: Dissection of the low rectum: Open  (2023) video Rectal cancer surgery in 2023: Dissection of the low rectum: robotic  (2023) video Rectal cancer surgery in 2023: Dissection of the low rectum: Transanal  (2023) video Lateral lymph node dissection in rectal cancer (Robotic Webinar 2021) video It's always good to have a plan B - if things go wrong  (Robotic Webinar 2021)   video Colorectal Robotic Grand Round: Interactive Forum  (Robotic Webinar 2021) video Low Anterior Resection (Robotic Webinar 2021) video Standardised Trainee Video: Open Low Anterior resection (ESCP meeting 2020) video 4 Steps of robotic approach for lateral pelvic lymph node dissection (LPND) with ICG using surgical landmarks (ESCP meeting 2019) video Trainee Video Session: Colorectal hand anstastomosis (ESCP meeting 2019) video Trainee Video Session: Colorectal stapled anastomosis (ESCP meeting 2019) video Trainee Video Session: How to handle misfired stapled colorectal anastomosis (ESCP meeting 2018) video New methods in low rectal cancer: Transanal TME - technique step-wise approach (ESCP meeting 2016)

On 8 Dec 2023

Below are ESCP conference presentations on colon cancer, selected for trainees.  You need to be logged in to access these resources. Not a member? Join ESCP here. video Abdominal surgical video: Mechanical intracorporeal ileocolic anastomosis: how we do it (ESCP meeting 2023) video Abdominal surgical video: Preoperative planning of D3 right colectomy with 3 dimensional vascular reconstruction (ESCP meeting 2023) video Abdominal surgical video: Laparoscopic splenic flexure mobilisation (ESCP meeting 2023) video My most challenging case: Radical right colectomy with complete mesocolic excision and central vascular ligation for right colon cancer: a black video (ESCP meeting 2023) video My most challenging case: Peutz Jeghers Syndrome: combination of open and laparoscopic organ saving strategies for invaginations and polipectomies (ESCP meeting 2023) video My most challenging case: Challenging case of a deficient mismatch repair right-sided locally advanced colon carcinoma with duodenal involvement (ESCP meeting 2023) video Trainee Video: Identifying blood vessels in CME (2022) video Colorectal Robotic Grand Round: Interactive Forum  (Robotic Webinar 2021) video Complete Mesocolic Excision (Robotic Webinar 2021) video General Concepts and Sigmoid Resection (Robotic Webinar 2020) video Standardised Trainee Video: Robotic sigmoidectomy (ESCP meeting 2020) video Standardised Trainee Video: Extended colectomy right open (ESCP meeting 2020) video Trainee Video Session: Ileocolic handsewn anastomosis (ESCP meeting 2019) video Trainee Video Session: Ileocolic extracorporal stapled anastomosis (ESCP meeting 2019) video Trainee Video Session: Ileocolic intracorporal stapled anastomosis (ESCP meeting 2019 video Lap CME - technique and pitfalls (ESCP meeting 2019) video Robotic left colectomy with complete mesocolic excision and intracorporeal side-to-side anastomosis for splenic flexure cancer with da Vinci Xi robotic platform (ESCP meeting 2019) video Robotic right colectomy with complete mesocolic excision and intracorporeal anastomosis - Bottom up suprapubic approach (ESCP meeting 2019) video Trainee Video Session: Laparoscopic CME. What can go wrong? (ESCP meeting 2018) video Trainee Video Session: Mobilising splenic flexure in the left lateral position (ESCP meeting 2017) video Trainee Video Session: Mobilising splenic flexure medial to lateral (ESCP meeting 2017) video Trainee Video Session: Mobilising splenic flexure lateral to medial (ESCP meeting 2017) video Trainee Video Session: High tie of the middle colic artery: open access, laparoscopic access (ESCP meeting 2016) video Trainees Video Session: Left flexure mobilisation - laparoscopic (ESCP meeting 2015) video Trainees Video Session: Left flexure mobilisation - open (ESCP meeting 2015) video Trainees Video Session: Tips and tricks in colon pouch creation (ESCP meeting 2015)
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