A call-out from our colleagues at UEG to celebrate Digestive Health Month and participate in a public awareness campaign.

Every year during the month of May we celebrate Digestive Health Month - a month long public awareness campaign focused on the prevalence and impact of digestive health conditions.

Following this year’s launch of our latest publication, the key findings from the White Book 2 study, we will dedicate the entire month of May to a public awareness campaign that will deep-dive into digestive diseases and cancers across Europe, with a particular focus on the burden, economic impact and research gaps.

Over the next four weeks, we will be delving into a different topic surrounding digestive diseases and cancers - leading up to World Digestive Health Day (May 29), which this year will focus on 'Your Digestive Health: A Healthy Gut From the Start'.

To mark this occasion and maximize the impact of our Digestive Health Month campaign in 2023, we invite you to join us this May in raising awareness of the burden, economic impact and research gaps of digestive diseases and cancers across Europe. Together we have a louder voice so please use, share and disseminate any of the below resources to your networks and on social media:

Further information, statistics and resources can be viewed on the campaign’s webpage: https://ueg.eu/public-affairs/advocacy/digestive-health-month

Last but not least, follow and join the discussions on Twitter by searching for #DigestiveHealthMonth!

Digestive Health Month - Join us the May  - #IngestTheBest

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