Each month the European Society of Coloproctology focuses on a different condition or technique to highlight relevant educational resources, research and videos to our members. Content is produced by leading members of the society with particular expertise in each condition or technique.
On 9 Jan 2020
ESCP’s focus throughout December centred around sharing information and insights on the topic of Crohn’s disease across our social networks.On 11 Dec 2019
Throughout November, ESCP promoted and shared information and insights across its network on social media on the topic of Women In Surgery. Using the hashtag #womeninsurgery on twitter, our colorectal community was encouraging to engage with each other to share ideas, thoughts, inspiration and questions around the subject.On 5 Jul 2019
Throughout June ESCP shared several informative and though-provoking videos from a number of contributors to its monthly topic: Haemorrhoids.On 6 Jun 2019
We kick-off our June monthly topic on haemorrhoids with a video of Dr Arcangelo Picciariello discussing a recent Italian survey results published in Colorectal Disease on surgical management.On 3 Jun 2019
ESCP focused on the topic of pelvic floor throughout May, sharing several informative video contributions from colorectal experts which included educational case studies and valuable discussions on the latest surgical advances within the field.Page 9 of 17