Each month the European Society of Coloproctology focuses on a different condition or technique to highlight relevant educational resources, research and videos to our members. Content is produced by leading members of the society with particular expertise in each condition or technique.
On 1 Dec 2017
Throughout December, we will be focussing on Pilonidal Disease and the various options for treatment. ESCP are delighted to have Professor Luigi Basso coordinating the month and you can view an introductory video and download other resources here.On 21 Nov 2017
Dr Christoffer Odensten, Sunderby Hospital Sweden, is currently coordinating a trial, Use of prophylactic mesh when creating a colostomy does not prevent parastomal hernia: a randomized controlled trial - STOMAMESH. You can view the abstract of this trial here.On 1 Nov 2017
Ben Griffiths, Head of Colorectal Surgery at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals and Ash Bhalla, Laparoscopic Fellow at Royal Victoria Infirmary, write on parastomal hernia, the béte noire of the colorectal surgeon, whose recurrence rate remains unacceptably high.Page 17 of 17