ESCP has extended opening window for taking part in audit to 1 July 2019. New Data Sharing Agreement introduced to cover both GDPR needs and future-proof the project and its data regardless of Brexit progress.

The European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) has extended the window for clinicians to get involved in its latest international audit study. This project aims to explore the management of acute sever ulcerative colitis (MASC) and the impact on patient-level outcomes as well as seeking to predict which patients may benefit from medical salvage therapy and which are likely to progress to colectomy.

The deadline for participation in the snap-shot audit has been pushed to 1st July 2019 to allow ESCP to address concerns from some potential participants in relation to GDPR requirements and the impact of Brexit given the ESCP REDCap system is based in Birmingham, UK.

A generic Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) has been introduced which covers all eventualities and future-proofs the project, as well as the team's data within it, regardless of what happens with Brexit. Participating sites will now need to sign a DSA.

Thomas Pinkney, Chair of ESCP’s Cohort Studies and Audits Sub-Committee, explains:

“Since the window for participation in this study first opened in February, 690 clinicians have registered to participate from 130 hospitals across 35 countries. However, we had feedback from some sites that were keen to get involved in but have not yet been able to due to delays in obtaining site approvals or challenges with ethical clearances.

“It was clear that the Brexit situation, particularly around data transfer regulations and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) status was causing challenges. By introducing a Data Sharing Agreement we are confident that these issues can be addressed and all those wanting to get involved in this important audit can do so.”

This is the latest audit project from ESCP which has adopted a strategy of promoting short duration, high volume prospective audits (termed snap-shot audits). Previous studies have brought together surgeons and units across multiple countries, and regions, for a common research goal. This has also strengthened an already active network of research participation across Europe and beyond. The MASC audit will also hopefully extending this model to colleagues in gastroenterology.


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