Nicolas Avellaneda interviews Professor Antonino Spinelli about his experience of EBSQ examinations.

ESCP is focusing this month on the importance of European Board of Surgical Qualification (EBSQ) in Coloproctology. The EBSQ examination is the certifying examination leading to the Diploma of EBSQ (Coloproctology) of the European Union of Medical Specialists. This is the only form of certification in the speciality of coloproctology within Europe and candidates who successfully pass the examination are awarded the title 'Fellow of the European Board of Coloproctology'. The ultimate aim is assuring standards in the interest of patient safety and wellbeing.

In this interview, Professor Antonino Spinelli tells Nicolas Avellaneda why he took the EBSQ exam, what it means for him, and why people should think about taking the exam in the future.

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