ESCP reflects on its successful 8th Regional Masterclass under the theme of 'Colorectal Surgery – Tomorrow’s World' on 1 November 2019 at the Cardiff Hilton Hotel.

The event, which marked the society’s very first Regional Masterclass in the UK, saw delegates from around the globe enjoy a series of talks and debates from expert leaders in the colorectal field.
The Masterclass was coordinated by International Representative at the Association of Coloproctology in Great Britain and Ireland (CGBI), Jared Torkington, along with colleagues from the University Hospital of Wales.
A wide variety of key subjects were debated and discussed, from genomics by colorectal surgeon at Cardiff University Rachel Hargest, to the future of Radiology in Colorectal Surgery by Consultant Radiologist Gina Brown.
Attendees also enjoyed a lively debate on the role of lymph node dissection, chaired by Ian Daniels, which saw the UK’s ESCP rep Justin Davies narrowly beaten by Tim Rockall.
Danilo Miskovic highlighted both sides of the argument for and against CME, and state of the art lectures from TED talkers Nadine Hachach Haram and Shafi Ahmed on telementoring and new technology gave a futuristic feel to the proceedings.
Milan-based Antonino Spinelli also took to the stage to talk about the 21st Century pouch before Anna Martling from the Karolinska Institute on big data joined Martin Hubner from Lausanne to discuss Pressurised Intraperitoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC).
Mark Gudgeon shared insights into the army of new surgical robots coming into the specialty. With Debbie Keller visiting from New York, the USA was also well represented.
The masterclass was a truly fantastic day of education and global collaboration for all that were present and credit is due to the ESCP team who put the event together, and to our brilliant sponsors and Cardiff Medical Events for all the excellent support in the run up to and on the day.