Muhammad Imran AslamMuhammad Imran Aslam, senior colorectal trainee in East Midland Healthcare Workforce Deanery and honorary clinical lecturer at the University of Leicester, United Kingdom, is the course director for the ESCP pre-conference workshop the operative techniques for the prevention and repair of parastomal hernia (PSH) in Nice this September. This course ran very successfully at last year’s ESCP annual conference and is already sold out this year.

Imran, who is also programme director for the ESCP fellowship programme, has run a bespoke web-based survey to assess practice preferences of ESCP members for PSH prevention and repair to improve understanding about the choices of operative techniques, mesh selection and rationale for their use.

Imran explains why an educational focus on PSH is so important:

“The surgical repair of these hernias can be challenging, considering the weakened abdominal wall, the use of meshes in a contaminated environment and sometimes the need to completely re-site the stoma. Recently, focus has been on prevention, particularly with prophylactic mesh at the time of index surgery. Although advocated by some guidelines, it remains a controversial topic and many of the studies are conflicting. This workshop will give delegates an opportunity to seek clarity on issues surrounding PSH prevention and repair.”

This one-day workshop is aimed at delegates with early experience in managing patients with parastomal hernia. It comprises lectures/symposium and practical exercises for the safe and effective application of open and laparoscopic approaches for the repair and prevention of parastomal hernia.

World experts including Neil Smart (UK), Phillip Kirchhoff (Switzerland), Jan Lambrecht (Norway), Miguel Garcia Urena (Spain) and Sanjay Chaudhri (UK) will discuss surgical anatomy of abdominal wall, need and timing for repair of parastomal hernia, techniques for prophylactic mesh reinforcement and repair of parastomal hernia. Young ESCP members, Chelise Currow (UK) and Ines Rubio-Perez (Spain) will also be involved in delivering the course.

During the hands-on training, delegates will practice parastomal hernia prevention techniques including, sub rectus placement of mesh for stoma reinforcement, SMART, Koring, laparoscopic sugarbaker and keyhole techniques on a model under the supervision of colorectal experts. Trainees will also be introduced to the basic principles of component separation techniques. Trainees will learn about the indications of surgery, patient selection and outcomes for repair of parastomal hernia. Pitfalls in consent and choices of meshes, technical challenges associated with different types of repairs.

Imran Aslam says:

“While this interactive course is intended for surgeons with early operative experience in managing parastomal hernia, there is also opportunity for theatre nurses, stoma practice nurses, medical students and trainees in the early part of their training to attend lecture/symposium only”.

Imran Aslam has a busy time ahead with ESCP annual conference, associated pre-congress workshops in addition to streamlining the ESCP fellowship programme and involvement in the ESCP cohort study design. He will also be co-moderating the ESCP fellowship update / showcase event at the annual ESCP conference in Nice.

The Hands-on course: ‘Operative Techniques for the Prevention and Repair of Parastomal Hernia’ takes place on Tuesday 25 September at ESCP Nice 2018.

View other Hands-on courses at Nice 2018 here

Book your place at the 13th Scientific and Annual meeting of ESCP in Nice here

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