Belgrade, Serbia will host the 8th Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) on 25-27 September 2013. Pre-meeting visit opportunities are available for fellows/senior trainees in Coloproctology in one of the six following centres of excellence in Coloproctology:


  • Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade - Prof Dr Zoran Krivokapic
  • Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade - Prof Dr Dragutin Kecmanovic
  • Military Medical Academy, Belgrade - Prof Dr Mile Ignjatovic
  • Zvezdara University Hospital, Belgrade - Prof Dr Vladimir Cuk
  • Institute for Oncology and Radiology, Srepska Kamenica - Prof Dr Milan Breberina
  • Clinical Center Nis, Nis - Prof Dr Goran Stanojevic

Each centre will host two senior trainees for 2 full days (Monday 23th and Tuesday 24th September), which will allow them to participate in the Teaching Centre’s day to day clinical activities. Accommodation, travel and meals will be supported by a grant of €450 for each successful applicant courtesy of Covidien who are kindly supporting this initiative, as they have generously done each year since 2008. Travel arrangements to the placement location (and onwards to Belgrade) will be the Trainees’ responsibility to arrange; a programme will be provided by each centre under direct supervision of the local chair and organiser, as indicated above, and they will also assist in directly liaising with the Trainee regarding advice about travel and local accommodation.

At the end of the 2 days, fellows/trainees will then be able to travel to Belgrade to attend the annual scientific meeting. We are pleased to advise that the registration rate will be discounted by 50% for any fellows / trainees planning to attend the meeting.

Location: Serbia
Category: ESCP Opportunities
Duration: 2 day

Placements take place: 23-24 September 2013
Prior to:
ESCP Belgrade Congress (25-27 September 2013)
Deadline for applications has now passed:
the following page is for information only
Supported by a grant from Covidien

Applications should be type-written and in English. Candidates must submit the following documents:

  • A short CV 
  • A completed application form
  • A signed letter of recommendation from a full ESCP member. Candidates must be recommended.

Please submit applications to the ESCP Secretariat, marked for the attention of the ESCP Executive Committee, to the following address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The new closing date for applications is Wednesday 05 June 2013.

If you need help or further information, please contact the Secretariat on +44 131 624 6040.

ESCP would like to take this opportunity to thank Covidien for their support again this year.

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ESCP Affiliates