On 7 Apr 2015

ESCP invites and encourages colorectal surgeons to take part in a survey on survey bowel preparation in elective colorectal surgery. Results will be presented by Prof. Yves Panis during his keynote lecture: "Bowel preparation in elective colorectal surgery revisited" on Friday 25 September at the 10th Annual ESCP meeting in Dublin.

On 18 Mar 2015

In April this year, the first regional educational masterclass organised by the ESCP in cooperation with the European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation (ECCO), will take place in Moscow, Russia. This inaugural masterclass will concentrate on Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) and here keynote speaker, Professor Igor Khalif (State Scientific Centre for Coloproctology, Moscow, Russia), examines the role of medical therapy in treating Crohn's disease.

Yves Panis

On 11 Mar 2015

Ahead of the first ESCP/ECCO regional masterclass in Moscow, Professor Yves Panis (Professor of Digestive Surgery at the Université Paris VII and Head of the Department of Colorectal Surgery at Beaujon Hospital, Clichy, France) discusses the surgical treatment of acute severe colitis. Although there are no established national registries or surveys on the exact numbers regarding the prevalence of acute severe colitis, the current evidence suggests that around 10-15% of all the patients with ulcerative colitis will at some point develop acute severe colitis. Although which patients will develop the condition and why, is unknown.

Professor Yury Shelygin

On 4 Mar 2015

The ESCP, in conjunction with the European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation (ECCO), will hold the first ESCP masterclass in April 2015, in Moscow, Russia. In this exclusive interview, ESCP President, Professor Yury Shelygin, outlines the aims of the course and stresses the importance of the multi-disciplinary team approach when treating ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

On 24 Feb 2015

The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI) is funding two travelling fellowships for doctors currently practicing in Eastern European to visit 2-3 colorectal centers in the United Kingdom and Ireland over a two week period and attend the 2015 DDF Meeting from 22nd  - 25th June 2015.

ESCP Affiliates