Colin Peirce

On 21 Jan 2015

Colin Peirce MRCSI, MD, Specialist Registrar, Department of Colorectal Surgery, St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin: It was a great honour to be awarded the European Society of Coloproctology Travelling Fellowship to Japan this year.

On 5 Jan 2015

We were all very sad to learn recently of the death of our friend Yehiel "Chilik" Ziv, who sadly lost his battle with cancer. We have sent our deepest condolences to his family. Chilik was a keen supporter of the Society, an active member of the Programme Committee for some years, and he will be greatly missed.

Eiji Shinto

On 18 Dec 2014

First, I would like to express my gratitude to the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) for the privilege of granting me a two-week travelling fellowship. My fellowship experiences at Karolinska University Hospital, St. Mark’s Hospital, and Amsterdam Medical Center were both exciting and enlightening. This invaluable experience will have a major impact on my future clinical practice and research content. Indeed, my short stay in Europe will be a memory I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Attendees seated at a workshop

On 19 Nov 2014

ESCP is delighted to announce its first regional educational masterclass Moscow, Russia, 16 April 2015, organised in conjunction with S-ECCO. This masterclass will take place on the first day of the International Congress of the Russian Association of Coloproctology meeting (16-18 April 2015) and is organised with the kind agreement and support of Professor Yury Shelygin, President of ESCP, and local organiser.

On 20 Oct 2014

This year UEG has a new interactive platform to enhance your congress experience. To follow 100 sessions via livestream and post questions directly to the podium from anywhere in the world, go to
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