On 14 Aug 2014
Chair of the symposium on ‘Intestinal Polyposis’, Professor Sue Clark (Consultant Colorectal Surgeon St Mark's Hospital, London and Adjunct Professor Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College, London) outlines some of the themes and key issues under discussion in Barcelona.On 14 Aug 2014
We talked to Professor Donato Altomare, who discusses his role as Chair of the Programme Committee and some of the highlights from the Barclelona 2014 scientific programme. You are currently Chair of the Programme Committee, what are the roles and responsibilities of the committee? The Programme Committee is composed of a group of personalities who are very active in all the fields of coloproctology. They must be up-to-date, active in research and have an extensive knowledge of the literature and authors throughout Europe.On 29 Jul 2014
Each year ESCP provides the opportunity for ten young surgeons with an interest in coloproctology to undertake a three-month fellowship in a different country. The 2013/14 fellowships were generously supported by a grant from Medtronic, as well as funds from ESCP. Here, four of the 2014 fellows report on their experiences:On 8 Jul 2014
We are pleased to again announce this excellent opportunity, kindly initiated and organised by the International Committee of the Japan Society of Coloproctology. ESCP has been pleased to collaborate with the Japan Society of Coloproctology (JSCP) on a reciprocal basis now since 2008 and it is with pleasure that we welcome Dr. Eiji Shinto to our congress in Barcelona in September. Deadline for applications: Friday 25 July 2014.On 18 Jun 2014
Barcelona, Spain will host the 9th Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) on 24-26 September 2014. Pre-meeting visit opportunities will available for 12 fellows / senior trainees in Coloproctology in six local centres of excellence in Coloproctology. Deadline for applications: Friday 11 July 2014.Page 132 of 139