On 18 Jan 2013
A number of opportunities for members to represent ESCP and sit on committees have come up. For information, click on the links below: New Guidelines Overview Group (deadline extended) ESCP Representative to join ESSO-ESMO-ESTRO collaboration on Anal Cancer Guidelines (deadline passed) Representative on Colorectal Disease Editorial Board New members for the Education and Training Committee (deadline passed) Assistant Secretary (deadline 31 March 2013)On 8 Jan 2013
Ever since visiting Chūo General Hospital (Tokyo) in 1999 to visit dr. Junichi Iwadare, it has been my sincere wish to visit Japan again. The wonderful combined initiative by the Japanese and European Societies has finally made this possible for me.It was a great honour, to be selected for this wonderful opportunity. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my hosts, prof. Tadahiko Masaki and Dr. Hiroyoshi Matsuoka for organising and hosting my trip to and through Japan.On 29 Nov 2012
Three recipients of our Pre-Congress Fellowships report on their placements. Zoran Radovanovic (Serbia) and Martin Oberreiter (Czech Republic) visited Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Brüder in Vienna, and Rob Bethune (UK) visited Landeskrankenhaus in Salzburg.On 23 Oct 2012
A significant step forward was possible this year when the Education and Training Committee were able to announce the availability of 3-month fellowships, made possible through the generosity of both Medtronic and Covidien, both already loyal major supporters of the Society at the annual meeting each year, but who have now also provided an educational grant to enable a total of 11 ESCP Fellows to take up an excellent opportunity to train abroad.On 29 Aug 2012
I feel honored and extremely fortunate to have won the British Journal of Surgery Prize for my free paper entitled 'Electroacupuncture for Postoperative Ileus after Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery: A Randomized Sham-Controlled Study' presented on 22 September 2011 at the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) Annual Scientific Meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark.Page 137 of 139