David Zimmerman

On 29 Jul 2016

On Tuesday 27 September, the ESCP hosted the Perianal Fistula Workshop, which has been developed to inform attendees about the possibilities and limitations of new and established techniques for fistula surgery, as well as to acquire operative techniques. We talked to course co-organiser, Dr David Zimmerman (The Netherlands) about the workshop…

Albert Wolthuis

On 8 Jul 2016

At this year’s ESCP meeting in Milan, Italy, Dr Albert Wolthuis from the University Hospital of Leuven, Belgium, examined the limitations of total mesorectal excision (TME) and assessed a different approach - transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME). Although still in its infancy, Dr Wolthuis discussed the advantages and drawbacks of this approach and why he believes TaTME will be the procedure of choice for low rectal cancer in the future…

Stefan Post

On 27 Jun 2016

ESCP are proud to issue its first ever conference video.... You can view it here to see what everyone's talking about and remember to share with your colleagues and associates #ESCP2016

On 17 Jun 2016

You will be aware that for unprecedented reasons ESCP had to move its annual Conference from Istanbul, Turkey to Milan, Italy at short notice earlier this year. To achieve this move, ESCP has been very reliant on the generosity and co-operation of our friends and colleagues in Milan and to our sponsors.

Oliver Glehen

On 10 Jun 2016

Professor Olivier Glehen (Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud, France) discussed cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) at this year’s meeting in Milan. We talked to Professor Glehen about the advantages of this treatment, current investigations and technical suggestions for surgeons performing this procedure…

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