On 10 Nov 2016
We are excited to announce that ESCP will be running its third cohort study in February - May 2017. This study will collect data on patients undergoing left sided anastomoses, completing the ESCP’s series of studies about colonic anastomoses.On 10 Nov 2016
The abstract submission site closes Tuesday, November 29 at 11:59 pm EST (US Time).On 8 Nov 2016
From November, ESCP will be highlighting key areas in coloproctology and focusing on a different area each month. By focussing on specific topics, we are encouraging experts to engage with us as well as providing a valuable tool for trainees/students interested in a specific area.On 25 Oct 2016
Professor Zbigniew Lorenc, President of Polish Club of Coloproctology, reports on ESCP's 2nd Regional Masterclass, Modern and Advanced Management of Rectal Cancer, Katowice, PolandOn 19 Oct 2016
Milan prize winners were Jim Tiernan (Best Paper), Gonzalo Martin-Martin (Best Lunchtime Poster) and Evangelos Xynos (Best New Trial).Page 118 of 139