On 28 Jun 2011
First, I would like to express my sincere thanks to ESCP. It was a great pleasure and honor to be chosen as Japanese traveling fellow 2010. This opportunity enabled me to visit 3 institutions in Europe, prior to the 5th ESCP meeting in Sorrento. I have been enthusiastic about laparoscopic and robotic surgery for colorectal cancer, and performed the first case at the Fujita Health University in Japan in 2009. So I was keen to meet acknowledged pioneers in the field and observe real procedure there.On 27 Jun 2011
It was my privilege to have the opportunity to undertake the Japanese travelling fellowship for 2010. This allowed me to visit the National Cancer Centre (NCC) in Tokyo and attend the 65th Meeting of the Japan Society of Coloproctology (JSCP) in Hamamatsu. I was given the freedom to suggest the units I would like to visit and, under the guidance of Professor Maeda, an itinerary was constructed which allowed me to spend a week at the NCC prior to the JSCP meeting.Page 139 of 139